
Needle Mischief

You may have noticed we've been posting some silly photos on Instagram and Facebook. Here at Knitter's Pride we've noticed our needles seem to get into some pretty strange situations, and we felt it was time we started capturing these picture perfect moments! We're going to keep sharing our photos of our needle mischief, and we invite you to share yours too! Just use #needlemichief and don't forget to tag us @knitterpride so we can share your photo!

Here are a few more #needlemischief photos!

This month we're giving away a Karbonz Interchangeable Needle Starter Set! To enter leave us a comment telling us where your knitting needles and crochet hooks like to hide. We'll pick one random winner on June 27! 


  1. my needles and hooks like to hide under my carseat... thats right car seat I can tell you how many times I have drop a hook or needle and who knows how many stitch markers in the car only to find them weeks later.. I am always knitting in the car either in the drive through, school pick up line, road trips, pretty much all the time ...I guess its bound to happen :)

  2. In my wips. at least i think so, I haven't found them yet.

  3. In long-forgotten projects. wips galore!

  4. I have a bucket where projects hibernate and it's inevitable that the needles I'm looking for are on a project in there.
    wahoomerryf on Ravelry

  5. I find my needles all over the place because I knit all over the place - under my car seat, under the cushion in my lounge chair, under the cushion of my love seat, caught in the fold of the cushion on my futon in my TV room, of one of the shelves in my several book cases, hiding under napkins on my table, lurking amongst my dye pots, stuck behind my ear like a pencil, down between the sheets on my bed, attached to a work in progress, and even in my dog's bed. No I do not knit in my dogs bed, but I have a dog that likes to take my stuff and hide it.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My needles are very well behaved when not in use. They stay comfortably tucked away in their various nooks, crannies, cubbies and cottage. Yes, I have a cottage for my needles. Ahem.

    It's only when they are actively involved in a project that they like to vanish. They break away from the cruel torture of being unmercifully bound and cruelly constrained by countless loops of oppresive yarn. EIther that, or it's a comment on my poor knitting skills. Naw, it's gotta be the first thing, right? Thanks for the contest! KittenWhiplash on rav

  8. Mostly my needles and hooks stay with their project in their bags. Once in a while I will find them in with my nail polish bottles because that shelf is next to a comfy place to sit on the floor.

  9. They are hiding usually in my knitting bags!!!! Those devils never seem to make it back into the case!

  10. I find they like to run off with the single socks that take off from the dryer! (honestly though, I find them in the couch, chairs, and even in my hair!)

  11. All around the living room. In project bags, in a cobalt blue glass, and stuck in the basket full of yarn that sits next to my chair. :)

  12. mine like to hide in the dog basket, although I think the dog likes them x

  13. They like to hide on the floor, under furniture.

  14. I keep them in their original packaging in a wicker, fabric lined basket in size and cable length order. OCD, oh yeah!!!

  15. Mine hide in amongst the detritus on our coffee table! I put them down to count stitches, make lunch, something...then I can't find them!

  16. My needles like to hide under the bed! When they fall, they always roll that way and I have to move the whole bed!

  17. Mine are usually in my desk or project bags. But sometimes I lose them in the couch or under the couch

  18. Mine like to hide between the sofa cushions.

  19. My knitting needles love to hide in my knitting drawers! I love knitting and unfortunately carpal tunnel has put a damper on my knitting for the moment so I have no idea where my needles are. They are probably hiding in my travel knitting bag :)

  20. in the blanket on my bed among other places!

  21. In plain sight! Which is an outrage sometimes.

  22. In between my sheets or resting precariously on the cusp of falling if I reach my hand between the headboard and mattress causing them to fall behind the bed.

  23. mine like to hide in unfinished projects

  24. In my reclining chair or the drawers.

  25. Between the sofa cushions!

  26. ndshishkoff@gmail.com13 June 2014 at 14:09

    I have size US3 dpns and they live in a tube. My favorite size, I puy point protectors on the ends when I want to use them for flat knitting.

  27. My needles like to hide in the cat's basket. She doesn't chew them or anything, just likes to drag the cables in there and sleep on them!

  28. Mine have a tendency to sneak between the couch cushion.

  29. between the cushion of my chair and the armrest.

  30. My needles and hooks like to hide under the couch cushions, but right now they're hiding all over my suitcase.

  31. Hmm... On the table next to my crafting chair, project bags, needle cases, and a cup on some shelves.

  32. I keep the majority of my needles in a rolled up fabric paintbrush holder but I have several bags of WIPs all over the house.

  33. I keep them in labeled ziplocs but seem to manage putting them back in the wrong bag. Then I'm freaking about "Why do I have so many size 5's, etc." Neverending confusion.

  34. Mine like to slide into the side of my recliner. They must get a laugh seeing me upending it to get them out!

  35. In unfinished projects, in a tangle in the crafting drawer, or dragged around the house by kids or cat.

  36. They're mostly in my wips, but also on the dresser & in the knitting bag.

  37. Mine are forever getting lost between the seats on my couch. However recently, I called my boyfriend into the bedroom to help me search for my 5th dpn, I couldn't find it for the life of me. He looks around the bed for a minute and then goes "Okay, I'm going to do a magic trick" and then he pulled the needle out from behind my ear.

  38. My needles hide in my couch, they slip behind the seat and I have to get on my knees to look for them... bad needles, bad needles!

    1. Same here! And with 4 sons under 10, I find lots of things in there. Some good and some bad lol.

  39. My knitting needles seem to like to hide in my beading bag... How they get from the knitting bag to the beading bag is a mystery to me, but I keep finding knitting needles in my beading bag!!

  40. My missing needles are usually eaten by my couch! Anything missing in my house is usually looked for there first. I have found needles, stitch markers, patterns....but sadly no pairs to my stray socks :-/

  41. My extra DPN is generally found in my hair - after I've search the floor, the seat cushion, the bag, the project, etc, etc, etc!

  42. They like to hide in my project bags! I find them lurking in bags where they don't belong, can't imgine why!

  43. Mine love to hide in my diaper bag and underwear drawer! LOL

  44. I dont have that many neddles but what I have do like to hide in my wheelchair and stitch markers too. They get stuck on my lapghan or into the pads/pillows I have that I sit on for for my sore bones.
    You see im fighting cancer agin and thats where I lose them in or my bed pillows swallow them up to as I have alot to prop my body up. Then the nurse n I must fight these objects to find them all agin. Its like easter hunting agin But the best is yet to come.
    My treatment chair its just a type of chair that you sit back in and let the chemicals go in as you knit for other cancer patients. As one day im very sick n I had to save my project so I threw it over a differ direction and finally im better and just wanna go home. So a day later I pull my project out n OMG im missing one of my fav needles ohh its my only set n we cant find in the car or in my wheelchair or anywhere bed other wips, everywhere n im heartbroken. Then a couple days later im back to try agin n I love to sit in one chair, its my fav so we move it over a bit, and wham there is my needle it just fell with a little bang and its just fine and im fine heck more than fine,,,,... after all other people sit in the chair, it gets moved n cleaned too. I've been crying over this needle being lost n there it is from my Angel above its back.. ty lord for making me believe agin..

  45. Needles tend to hide in wips or ufos mostly or down the back of the sofa.

  46. I tend to lose mine in the car in some area between the seats that I can never find afterwards.

  47. Mine hide in the various bags that I carry my knitting around...I tend to always lose them though. I have to keep buying new needles to keep up....I'm sure if I went through all my stuff I'd find about 5 sets of needles..I could use a really nice set that I would take very good care of...

  48. Both needles and hooks like to hide in the sofa...but can also be found in the bottom on my project bag, and even manage to slip under the seat in the car every once in a while....

  49. Definitely in the crevasse of my lazyboy seat cushion. The only way I can convince them to come out is tilt the whole thing on it's side and shake. Then repeat the other side.

  50. My 15 month old son likes to make me find his hiding places where he stashes my needles... Last time he took them they were in a bucket underneath the kitchen sink, with the project still attached! He's a mischievous little man!!

  51. Mine like to vanish and turn up as wizard wands or pirate swords...I feel like the parents in A Christmas Story telling my kids to put them down or they'll poke an eye out!

  52. I recently switched from inexpensive interchangeable needles to the Symfonie Dreamz. I keep them on my WIPs as they make those few moments of knitting in between "life" so much more enjoyable. Thanks for making such a great product!!

  53. In my furbabies' beds. They become loot for my doggies.

  54. My needles (especially the wooded DPNs) seem to double as cat toys... she steals them and I find them in her bed. She doesn't chew them, just swipes them. We have a strange kitty. :)

  55. My needles are always in my knitting bag.

  56. I'm embarrassed to say, but my needles like to hide in my UFO's............ (Unfinished Objects) and that is why I need more.

  57. Since I couldn't knit without my needles, I never let my needles hide - they hold a place in my craftroom, zipped into their plastic bags so they can't ever escape. There are no deserters so far :-)

  58. Jessica Burley13 June 2014 at 14:40

    I keep my unused needles in cases, but the ones i do use end up all over the tables as i have several projects going at one time.

  59. I put my needles in to my hair. sometimes I forget them there and only notice it when people keep starring at me

  60. Mine like to hide in abandoned projects, or with the leftover yarn from a finished one.

  61. My needles love to hide under the tea cabinet when my tricksy kitten grabs them behind my back and sweeps them under there!

  62. My needles like to hide in and under my chair, my daughter likes to pretend knit and puts them in her toy boxes. They also hide in the few project bags I have, until I need the bag again.

  63. Mine hide in my mother's room (and always the set I need, so I have to get yet another pair of tips) , which is why I need a set for her. I *might* get my karbonz back that way.

  64. My couch and under my coffee table. They are sneaky ones.

  65. I find my knitting needles in the couch cushions or under the couch.

  66. I have too many project bags with projects and I'm forever looking for that size knitting needle when something else needs to be cast on! =)

  67. Under chairs and the couches. And the bottom of my purse.

  68. Mine hide in 2 places unfinished projects and my daughter likes use them for her dolls. Amazing what the imagination comes up wi6h. They have been cars, boats, arenas for horses etc.

  69. My needles like to hide in my stash. I swear I find needles every time I'm looking for yarn. My circulars stay nice n cozy in my knitting bag, but the DPN's and straights are always hiding somewhere with at least one skein of yarn. Rav id: Shauna4454

  70. Dear Knitters Pride, my needles like to hide with unfinished projects! Crammed somewhere in a cupboard! Having a set of interchangeable a would just be a dream. And knitters pride interchangeables!! Thanks, Alice

  71. I'm always finding needles in my WIP bags that don't belong to the WIP. I had thrown them in to do a gauge swatch but completely forgotten I'd done that. Then when I actually want to start the project I can't find them!

  72. In my hair. I stick a needle into my curly hair so I can do something else (and not lose it) then I go looking for the needle, usually find it when I bend over to check if it fell onto the floor as it falls out of my hair and onto the floor!! :D
    Karen P

  73. They are usually in my 31 zip top tote, but a few have ended up in the couch coushion.

  74. Mine are normally hiding in another project. But I love my Karbonz DPNs and need the interchangeables to stock my Knitter's Pride tote

  75. I find them with my sons ninji turtles, he uses them as their weapons.

  76. I stick them in my pony tail when I clean.

  77. Catherine Yezak13 June 2014 at 15:25

    Under a cushion or the chair. Unless the cats find them first! Then, they could be anywhere in the house.

  78. One set in a project, some tucked away in their holder, and 3 who managed to break themselves doing extreme knitting stunts instead of working on the project they were attached to.

  79. Sitting on them or, more likely, hiding in plain sight right in front of me.

  80. Typically down the side of where I am sitting, couch, car, rocking chair. Sometimes in the garage where they have been used to unplug something. Very sad!

  81. Eaten by my favorite recliner. There was a cable needle that was never located.

  82. My needles like to hide in my couch cushions! Silly needles!

  83. In odd bags that I do t remember using while knitting! The Shirley farm at chaperone dot net

  84. My cat likes to eat parts of them or she will take them and run with them while I'm telling her to stop. The other place is under/behind the foot rest on the chair.

  85. Mostly mine like to hide in the back of my couch cushions!

  86. I think my sofa and my recliner have an ongoing competition to see which one of them can capture the most of my needles. It got so bad with my sofa I had to put a sheet on it so if something did drop behind me I could just pull up the sheet and out pops the runaway item.

  87. My needles typically hide in different project bags when they are not in their correct case. I'm usually pretty good though about knowing where they are :)

  88. Mine seem to hide in multiple project bags, holding unfinished projects. It is not uncommon to have 4 or 5 projects going at one time. Unfortunately they all seem to need the same size needles and cable lengths.

  89. I have an antique box that has "knitting needles " burned onto it....and the rest are in mason jars!

  90. Mine can usually be found between couch cushions, in shoes (where the cat puts them), or under my bed after escaping the basket that supposed to contain them all.

  91. All over the house!! I'm never sure where they will show up!!!

  92. Ann Kinderknecht13 June 2014 at 16:09

    Usually I try to keep them in place....but I do find them an extra set in a project bag....then sometimes they are in the loveseat cushions....I've found them in my purse.....I have a package where a couple are to be, but no needles??? I don't know where those are:) I am mostly organized with a zippered case for them...mostly:)

  93. I lose needles everywhere I knit. I need to organize! Like that will ever happen! Chelsey
    chelsey b 5 @ aol dot com

  94. Mine are usually very organized in my studio...but then there are those that are in projects or awaiting being returned to their proper place that seem to want to play hide and seek. I can almost always find a few doublepoints or a lonely singlepoint or even an occasional short circular under or between the cushions on the sofa in my favorite knitting corner.

  95. Between the sofa cushions !

  96. They are in a box next to the couch in my living room. All within easy reach.
    RavID Starkat

  97. My needles are so good at hiding that I never find them once they go missing. I keep buying more but typically lose them, too! I'm going to check some of the suggested hiding places this weekend and see if I can't find any of the mischievous ones.

  98. My needles are well behaved. They are either in WIPS or in their case. :-)

  99. Most of my needles are very well behaved and stay in the the sewing box I use to store them. However, they've been known to turn up in my purse, in the bottom of knitting bags I haven't used in months, and on top of my dresser in the bedroom.

  100. My needles hide on works in progress in fabric project bags. I'm constantly opening up and digging for project bags to find the size of needles I need. I know there is a solution to this.

  101. My needles like to hide in the crack between the sofa cushion and the armrest!

  102. I would really love to win these knitting needles..I love working with Karbonz needles...

  103. My kids like to take them and sword fight with them, so they're usually hiding under the bed or behind the toy box. I Don't mind, especially when they use them like a wizard wand!

  104. The better question is where DON'T they hide? I find needles all over the house!

  105. my needles really like to wander off and hide under my laptop or behind my bed.

  106. In cool, random bags that I throw my knitting in! I unfortunately have a really large bag collection :-\

  107. My Knitters Pride needles like to hide under my alpaca with a WIP! Which is why I always need more needles :-D

  108. My circular needles hide around my neck!

  109. My knitting needles like to hide in a rift of space and time, never to be seen again.

  110. Under the bed, in between couch cushions, bottom of my knitting bag, backseat of my car

  111. My hooks and needles are usually hiding in my work in progress.... I get distracted and forget where I left it....

  112. My needles are everywhere. in projects and project bags and in skeins of yarn and under chair cushions and under chairs and sometimes in the bed and .......and.....and

  113. My mischievous kitty hides them under the couch along with his toys.

  114. Mine love to hide in the couch cushions and the bottom of bags!

  115. Under my pillow, under my bed, under the book I'm currently reading. I love circular needles because there's only one piece, whereas locating all 5 double-points can be a challenge :) !

  116. They are usually hiding in various projects!

  117. my needles' favorite place to hide is in another project! Stray needles can hide anywhere - in the seat of a chair, at the bottom of my project bag, behind my ear.

  118. Between the sofa cushions….

  119. In W.I.P.'s and sometimes in my husband's knitting bag, yup :)

  120. Under my chairs, in the cat bed or in one of my many, many baskets!

  121. My needles hide either beside my bed or beside my desk.

  122. My needles hide in my WIP. If they aren't there- they are usually still in the project bag of a recently finished project.

  123. Don't know, still looking.

  124. Mine are everywhere, multiple knitting bags, between the cushions of the couch, in the car, under my bed, in the closet, on the window sill, in a cup on the piano, EVERYWHERE and I love it.

  125. Josephine Field13 June 2014 at 19:38

    Wherever my son decides to hoard them that day. The best place was under his mattress!

  126. There are several sets of circulars hiding in WIPs, the others have been disciplined into a fishing bait case.

  127. My needles hide in one of my bags, usually sitting in the various wip's that are casualties of my knitter's ADD :)

  128. Mine like to hide out in ufo's.

  129. Jennifer Ertle13 June 2014 at 21:12

    mine usually hide in the bottom of bags or in old projects lol

  130. Between couch cushions or (painfully) somewhere in the sheets.

  131. Mine hide in UFO's, bottom of bags and some hide so well, I end ordering more before they come out of their hiding place!

  132. Many are rogue and missing from their packages in UFOs...wooden straights are in a painted flower pot on my work table. Often will see some from a freshly finished project sitting on a step halfway up the stairs, waiting for my next trip up to the work room to be stowed away.

  133. Mine are hiding in plain sight as I have been distracted by a crochet project. My UFO's complete with needles are sitting on the coffee table...

  134. Mines are usually found under or in the setee

  135. my dpns often live in my hair as bun sticks, my circs sometimes end up there too, but are frequently found snarled around other things in my tool drawer, and my straights often get used as drumsticks by my husband - one of nature's drummers

  136. Everywhere! In my many project bags and definitely in the couch cushions just waiting to poke me.

    1. Down the side of my chair or snuggled into my latest project bag

  137. Mostly with my wips. But when they get lost I lose them both because I love circulars :(

  138. If only I knew....
    Sometimes they are in bags with WIP in the spare room, sometimes in my basket, sometimes in the couch but more often- I don't know. Maybe having 1 or 3 projects on needles will help but who am I kidding?

  139. I have left the house on more than one occasion with a DPN in my cleavage or holding up my hair ... you know because if you put them on the couch you may sit on one. Then there are the unfortunate ones that get abducted and used in the kids crafts.

  140. Mine are usually tucked away in my knitting bag next to my chair. Although my naughty doxie will go rummaging through and drag them out.

  141. Mine are usually hiding in my UFOs, which, are WAY too many. I know I should finish them, but I get SO distracted with new and exciting projects! I did find one of my DPNs under my covers in bed...could it be that I fell asleep while knitting?

  142. in a box in the upstairs bath, in the bath tub - of course!

  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

  144. They are part of my living room decor. I keep my long straight needles in an old pasta container, and the shorter ones in a little bucket. The DPNs & circulars are tucked into various cases, bins & WIPs. I'd like to make a chandelier with some of them, to keep those cords loose and lazy.

  145. My needles like to hide in the bottom of project bags. Somehow they slip down there, I go to my second set and when I finish the project finally find the first ones!

  146. My needles like to hide in the bottom of my knitting basket.

  147. I always find mine under piles of yarn, put them into the knitting basket, and find them again in another odd place like they move themselves.

  148. They are either in a UFO or they land under the knitting basket--I am not sure how they get there! I've got to be better about using the many cases I have, so I can actually find them when I need them instead of buying more.

  149. In a basket in the corner of my bedroom and in bags holding projects in various states of completion (or not!).

  150. My needles like to hid in the car. They are very social and love going for a ride and get out and visit friends every week at the knitting group. I have found the straight needles are more outgoing then the circular needles - the straight needles seem to know their mind and don't mind telling or poking anyone who is around. The circular love to be in a group but are more quiet and reserved. You just never know where you will find them!

  151. Mine are in a container (or should be!)

  152. Marguerite Mayhall14 June 2014 at 09:56

    So far I only have a few, since I just started knitting in February. My husband and son gave me a beautiful Namaste messenger bag for my knitting, and it has pockets enough for most of my fixed circulars - but I'm fast outgrowing it!

  153. In their shaker box, the small dresser, or project bags.

  154. Long after I had given up on ever finding it, I found a tiny sock needle nestled into the narrow crack between two floorboards in my parlor.

  155. I have my own nook on our sectional, and it never fails they get wedged under the connecting cushions. Usually though they are in a roll up craft case.

  156. In baskets and draws with 1/2 completed projects on them.
    Under the couch.
    In my 5 year old daughter's garden! she thinks knitting needles make great tools to plant seeds and stake up her weeds (oops I mean plants).
    In the dog's bed ... attached to a totally unravelled ball of yarn and project ... BAD DOG!
    and sometimes .. just sometimes .. in the specially designed knitting needle and crochet cases I purchased to store them in ;)

    Thanks for the chance to win ... I have been wistfully longing one of these sets for a long time.

  157. If it's just a single tip, it will be behind my ear like a pencil! Lol. Thanks for the giveaway chance. Great idea! :)

  158. My needles hide in this knitting bag, or that knitting bag, or maybe in this project (not quite finished) or possibly in that one. Thanks for asking.

  159. Mine have been known to hang out with my musical instruments. They like to hide in the cases, heehee.

  160. Mine are scattered all over. Most of my long tunisian hooks and seldom used short hooks are in a desk drawer. The hooks I use most are in a recycled Crystal Ice container on my desk. My DPNs and circulars are in another desk drawer. My straight aluminum needles and Tunisian hooks are in a plastic bin.

  161. Mine snug away in WIPs or in one of those IKEA "bucket on a rail" organizers on my wall. I found a stash of crochet hooks under my pillow when I made my bed recently and that confused me since 1) I don't usually craft in bed and 2) I don't crochet. I later remembered that I'd been working on a cowl project at 0400 and was trying to rearrange/reladder pattern stitches to correct a misplaced YO. With my shoddy memory I'm sure there are more needled around SOMEWHERE... either that or they just wander off on their own, like little skinny hobbits on an adventure.

  162. i have a vintage jar which contains my vintage needles! the rest are all in various mason jars by size. i have a box where i keep my dpns stored for i am newly addicted to knitting socks!

    i would love to have your karbonz interchangeable needles set for making my sweaters and toys!


  163. Mainly mine hide under the couch and under the coffee table.

  164. My needles hide in half finished projects and in bags that I have taken places and finished the project and the needles and extra yarn sit in the bag till I need the bag for a new travel destination.

  165. found a pair in the glove compartment of my car recently...

  166. Under the couch is their favourite place to hide....

  167. Found my size 10 circulars hiding with 2 stitch markers between the cushions on my couch last night.

  168. In my grandsons hands being used as drumsticks on anything that is available furniture, the floor, the dog......the very patient dog.

  169. Mine like to hide in my hair. They also like to hide on my foot plates (wheelchair) taunting me because I cant reach them! : )

  170. Most annoyingly one of the 5 doublepointed hides in the car between/under the seat and console(?)

  171. Project bags - either the one I just finished or the one I plan to start next.

  172. My needles don't hide, because they want to be part of the action!

  173. Mine like to hide out inside the sofa. Luckily I haven't been accidentally impaled yet.

  174. Mine like to hide in my sofa. I am forever finding them in between and behind the seats.

  175. I have found knitting needles under the couch, behind my desk, in the closet, in the cat bed.... always on the lookout for needles.

  176. Heh, mine like to hide in plain sight. Or rather, amidst the clutter in my house. :)

  177. My needles like to hang out on projects that I've put aside to "finish another time".......

  178. My needles like to hang out in my current projects and WIPs ... sometimes they are recovered quickly ... however other times ....

  179. My needles love to travel. As RVers, we explore this great country coast to coast-usually with projects with various degrees of difficulty depending on the scenery.

    Mine are always under the couch cushions!

  181. Mine like to hide under furniture and in project bags.

  182. The wicked things never stay where I put them. They seem innocent at night when I put them to bed and tuck them lovingly into their projects. So cozy covered in their wooly loops. But something happens after I am asleep and my beautiful, innocent needles become possessed of evil spirits that make them leap from the safety of their projects and go exploring. I often find them under furniture or in the middle of the hallway. I suspect nargles. Or possibly the cats.

  183. My needles migrate somehow into my daughter's knitting projects!
    Rav id cmhopson

  184. Either between the cushions of the couch or at the bottom of my knitting bag. little buggers!

  185. Mine hide in my many unfinished projects. Every so often I have to go round them up.

  186. My needles and stitch markers fall between the cushions of my recliner. I usually find some knitting supplies when I move the chair to vacuum the floor! Rav id. Tara2310

  187. My favorites are always in UFOs that stay UF while I start the newest shiny project. Except when the cat has used them as a toy, and they've found their way under the couch/desk/piano/entertainment center.

  188. I keep them in various places, but they hide in (temporarily, I swear!) abandoned projects and project bags.

  189. I am forever fishing them out from the gap on top of my coffee table that's *just* big enough to swallow sock needles whole.

  190. I find them under the bed. My dog steels them out of the knitting basket and hides them.

  191. At the bottom of my knitting bag. I have to dump everything out of my bag before it would show its face.

  192. Mine like to hide under my chair. The bamboo and wooden needles blend in with the oak floor and I can't see them. This is why I need Karbonz!

  193. They are usually in the cushions of the couch or the bottom of the various knitting bags. Usually use circulars which are harder for me to lose one.
