
As seen on Knitter's Review: Karbonz Needles!

There's been a lot of buzz about our Karbonz needles; most recently, Clara Parkes shared her thoughts on these high-tech needles on the Knitter's Review website. We're quite flattered with her analysis! If you've been curious about carbon fiber needles, click here to get the scoop from one of our industry's finest experts!
Karbonz Single-Point Needles
For more Karbonz reviews, be sure to check out these blog posts: 
Or watch this quick video courtesy of Jimmy Beans Wool (you can also view our Karbonz product video here on the Knitter's Pride YouTube channel):

Now for the best part: we'd like to give you a chance to try Karbonz out for yourself! Leave a comment on this post sharing why you'd like to knit with these needles for your chance to win a pair of Karbonz DPNs. We'll randomly select one lucky reader to win the prize on Friday, March 22. Be sure to leave your Ravelry ID or e-mail address so that we can contact you if you win! 


  1. I have never made a pair of socks. I've made a few odd socks but never an entire pair. Really cool state-of-the-art needles might help. Only one way to find out...

  2. I've read about these and been thinking about ordering a pair, would love to knit something with them. Would love to win a set!!! Can't wait to try a set out!!!!Tamara(

  3. I love to knit with Karbonz needles because the feel so nice in my hands.

  4. My new goal is to master socks. I also have issues with carpal tunnel. I love the Cubics and Dreams. I have interchangeable sets of both. I'd love to try Karbonz next to see if they help my wrists while knitting.

  5. I would love the give these babies a try as I have recently conquered my fear of DPNs and have been in the market for some sexy ones! Looks like my search is over. I would love to win them..pick me! :) I am sweetdrk1 on Ravelry

  6. I love using Karbonz needles because they feel so nice in my hands!

  7. I have been looking for some DPNs I like enough to replace all of my 'eh' one with. These might fit the bill. I would love to try them. I haven't tried any of the Karbonz needles yet.
    Rav: domiKNITrics

  8. I am completely guilty of snapping wood needles and bending metal needles, mostly dpn's when I make socks. THESE are awesome! KnittingRadMPLS on Rav

  9. With four kids & a DOG, the time I commit to knitting starts with my needles, the joins should be clean, the points sharp. I would LOVE to sample your US 1 DPN's. Thank's for the giveaway! persnicketysknits at yahoo |dot| com.

  10. I would love to knit with these. :) With my hands, they get fatigued after awhile and then I have to stop. These would help with that. Like having three things in one. :D

  11. I would love to knit with Karbonz needle

    a.) Boys love high tech so knitter boys need hight tech needles - girls, of course, need them too!

    b.) The reviews on them are very good and

    c.) Because the only thing better than knitting needles is knitting needles that you WON!

  12. I would LOVE to use these double points to knit all of my charity projects. They seem to be just what I have been looking for, and can't wait to try them out!

    Ravelry ID: eivanatta

  13. Just came accross this post and the review looks great. Cant wait to try these needles now.

  14. I would love to try these needles! I think the carbon fiber would be really nice to knit with!
    Rav Id: Karey64

  15. I love my size 2's. They have the strength of metal needles but are as warm and flexible as my bamboo, would love to get another set.

  16. My very first time trying a size 1, I snapped it at the join. I have a feeling carbon fiber will help me meet my match! Can't wait to try them out after all the good reviews. (Rav ID: woollyelf)

  17. These just might make me switch back to dpn knitting from magic loop!

  18. I would love to try these, especially the 000- I'm a very tight knitter and I'm afraid of what I'll do to super thin needles. Ravelry:ladyjanet

  19. I have been knitting and crocheting since I was 9 yrs old. I would love to give these needles a try. I have some straight ones but not the dpns. They look sexy

  20. I'm terribly intrigued about the idea of carbon fiber needles. I've only ever used metal and bamboo dpns and while both work fine for my purposes, neither ever quite feels "right" to me.

  21. Karbonz look sleek and stylish. I love knitting with beautiful needles and I'd really like to try these.

    Ravelry ID: chillawilla

  22. I love knitting socks and have seen numerous adds for these dpn needles and would love to try them. (

  23. Funny this contest should come up right when I am shopping for new needles! I have not had the pleasure to try these yet, would love the chance!

  24. I would love to try a set. I can't find any DPNs that I feel comfortable enough using. Maybe high tech would feel safer than the low tech wood and aluminum needles I have been trying.

  25. Simply put.... they are AWESOME!!!
    Ravelry ID: Diskretion

  26. Because they look amazing! I would love to try them, I'm in the market for some new DPN.

  27. I am so excited about these needles. I have some of the first carbon needles to come out, but the points were a bit rough, so I'd prefer these. I can't wait to make socks with them.

  28. I think these would be perfect for socks! Thanks for the chance to win!

    purples on Ravelry

  29. what every engineer who knits needs, high tech knitting needles! but no seriously, these are some awesome needles and I would be so lucky to win a set to try out!

    Ravelry: kimkat

  30. I love my Karbonz circular needles. KI love hom smooth they are and how durable. Now I would love to have some DPNs to make some socks.
    Ravelry ID: andreacraig

  31. I love my Karbonz circular needles. KI love hom smooth they are and how durable. Now I would love to have some DPNs to make some socks.
    Ravelry ID: andreacraig

  32. I love my Karbonz circular needles. They are so smooth and durable and light. Now I can't wait to try out the DPNs for a pair of socks. I love the nickel needle tips. I still would hope that you are going to make some interchangeable tips to go with the other sets. Preferable the lace size tips would be great. Ravelry ID andreacraig

  33. these look and sound so amazing! thanks for the chance to win... :)

    ravelry ID: giolou

  34. I'd like to try the karbonz dpns because I do have a tendency to bend my needles, and also because I have three girls ages three and under, and "virtually indestructible" would be a huge bonus in my house!

    MrsCollinHobbs on Ravelry

  35. I've seen these in several knitting magazines and would live to try them. I haven't been able to knit as much as I like lately due to arthritis/carpal tunnel issues. These needles are supposed to be very helpful for these problems.

  36. I love the way these feel warm in my hands compaired to my nickel plated dpns as my hands are routinely cold. :)

  37. I have several of the fixed circular Karbonz needles and would love to compliment my collection with a set of Double Point needles. These are some of my favorite needles now. Revelry ID:bkennard

  38. I love these needles. I received a pair of regular Knitters pride needles for Christmas last year and just fell in love. I have most sizes now. I received the circular Karbonz for Christmas this year and am blown away. They are light, smooth and knit so fast. I love the tips just enough of a point. These are great. I cannot wait to see what you come up with next :)

  39. I don't like metal needles and am generally happy with my bamboo needles. But I do go thru a lot of the US size 0 and 1 needles because they're so easy to break. I'd love to try a small size of the Karbonz to see if they'd have the strength of metal needles without the slipperiness, the cold feel and the annoying "clickety-clack" while knitting.

  40. I love trying out new things so trying a new kind of needles would be awesome!

    StarKnits on Ravelry

  41. I really want to try it!
    Just try something new, something that i can realy enjoy!

    Email :

  42. I would love to own a set of your dp needles.

  43. I am new to knitting with 4 needles at a time (double points). I would love to try these great looking needles out.

  44. I love knitting socks on DPNs (using Harmony wood or old Aero aluminums) and have been admiring the Karbonz needles for a few months now. I'd be absolutely thrilled to have a set of 2.5 or 2.75 mm Karbonz DPNs. I wouldn't be shy about telling everyone on Ravelry either!

    beedragon on Ravelry

  45. Who wouldn't want to knit with sexy needles! These look awesome!

    lindaran (on Rav)

  46. Karbonz are awesome!Smooth, light, with excellent points. I can hardly wait for the interchangable set. It is now #1 on my wish list. amtlt2001 - ravelry

  47. I have been knitting for over a year and haven't decided what needles are my favorite and would love a chance to try these!

  48. I would absolutely love to win these! I have loved all the knitter's pride needles i've bought so far and would love to add these dpns to my collection! Ravelry: Mikiejr

  49. Cause i LOVE my symphonie dreamz... I cn't imagine there is anything better, but maybe??????

  50. I am interested in the strenght of the carbon fiber, I some times feel as thought Imight break my other thin dps or bend them. Ravelry id:suzied2010

  51. I have heard that they won't break (I break wood easily), are very light (my hands need all the help they can get) and are just the right texture for knitting without too much slip or too much grip... would LOVE to try them!! Ravelry ID: bearybearco

  52. Excited for the chance to win! Thank ya! Ravelry ID: catreiser

  53. (Judy) I've read many good things about the Karbonz needles but haven't purchased any yet. It would be great to try them!

  54. I'd love to use Karbonz as I think they would look even more beautiful surrounded by my knitting.

  55. Knitters never have enough needles! Different yarns desire different needles.

  56. I would love to try out the size 2s and 3s DPN. Pretty much all my sock needles are bent, would love to use something that wouldn't do that. :)

    Ravelry ID: kamidake

  57. I am really going to have to try these needles. I am a sock knitter and I would use them to knit socks.

  58. These needles look awesome. I want to win :D e-mail:

  59. I don't have any needles in karbonz so I would like to win this to try out the new brand of needles to see how they are like.
    Ravelry= KimmieHD

  60. I have been dying to try these out, and my LYS does not have them in yet. (I live in a small town and stock is not replenished regularly). I am also knitting socks for the family for Christmas, so these would come in handy!

    Ravelry ID: vandenknits

  61. My friend Mieka swears by hers. I want to know if they are as awesome as she says!

    Ravelry ID: Savaen

  62. I'd love to be a sock knitter with these needles!

  63. I have been hearing so much about these needles. I would love to win.

  64. I would love to try these! - ravelry id deathandtaxes
    seriously. :)

  65. Never tried Karbonz. Do you have circular too? I love to try any needle possible. Next stop broomsticks.

  66. These would be wonderful to knit with!

    roamingknitter on ravelry

  67. They sound like wonderful needles to use. I would put them to great use making hats and socks.


  68. I've heard a lot of good things about Karbonz needles and would like to try them out because right now, the only DPs I have are wooden and not too crazy about them...

  69. I don't have any DPN'S would be nice to start with these.

  70. I've been following the freshstitches blog for a while, so I've wanted to try them since I read about them! I would love to win! Ravelry ID: subliminalirony

  71. I would love to win a pair of Karbonz needles.

  72. I haven't had a chance to see or touch these needles yet in Maine but would love to. Nothing like new knitting tools to make me smile! Ravelry id : knitsinmaine

  73. DPNs rock when making gloves. Gosh I would love to win some. esther at sombrereptiles dot org

  74. Would love to give these a try, as I have heard good things about them. Rav ID: kaoscat

  75. i would recently got a set of your dpns size 1 and i love how they knit and i would love to try knitting with carbon fiber needles and i don't get new needles that often. ravelry id:bob12

  76. These are such a great idea! I bet they are really light weight too. *Fingers crossed* Thanks for the giveaway!

  77. love trying new stuff, and never have the right dpn on hand. love making all kinds of stuff, including many items that you need dpn needles for.

  78. I'd love to try these out on all the baby clothes I've been knitting lately. Rav amchart

  79. I knit socks in the round because I don't like the "ladders" that you get with double points. One of the gals in the video says that with the finish on these needles, the yearn doesn't slide so you don't get the gaps. I'd love to try as doing pattern repeats on double points is much easier than using a bunch of markers in the round.

  80. Shoot! forogt to add Rav id alcbrooks

  81. Would love to try these, as I've lost and/or broken so many of my wooden dpns! Rav ID is lafileuse.

  82. These look so cool. I must try them to see if I end up warping them like my other small gauge needles. Hippo @ rav

  83. I would love to knit with these to make myself a (or some) pairs of socks! All of my socks have disappeared lately and would love to have a handmade pair!

  84. They look so smooth and fast! Beautiful style. I would love to try them.
    FlyingMonkeyHQ on Rav

  85. I would love to knit some socks on them with real sock yarn. I have only made worsted socks so far.

  86. I would love to try some socks!
    Offbeatchic on Ravelry!

  87. I love to try new needles and would love to win these

    sparky136 on Ravelry

  88. I would like to knit a pair of socks with Karbonz just to see if they live up to the hype
    rosebob on ravelry

  89. I have read that carbon fiber is much faster and lighter to knit with than most needles.
    reiki on ravelry

  90. I'd love to win these because I've been wanting to try them and it would be a fun birthday present to win! I'm mjrohs323 at ravelry

  91. I'd love to try these, my dpn's are uncomfortable to use. ravelry ID: cilly88

  92. Oooh, these would be so perfect for hat knitting, I hate the cheap DPNs I have and would love to try some new ones!
    Lindacee on Ravelry.

  93. I would love to try Karbonz!!!
    apple380 on ravelry

  94. I would love to try the new Karbonz needles and I also am wanting to knit socks, and since I don't have any dpn's, this would be the perfect opportunity to try BOTH!! on ravelry I am SelinaDesigns

  95. I recently inherited my grandmas needles...but she had almost no circulars or dpns! I'd love to win these and give them a try!

  96. Many of the wooden DPNS I've used have warped or broken in half and metal DPNS are just too slippery (making stitches slip) so the new Karbonz seem like just the middle ground.

    Would love to try these!

    Ravelry ID: yarnphreak

  97. Would really love to try these.

  98. I've heard such great things about your needles! I'd love to have the chance to try them out, and they're on my birthday wishlist.

    NanaMamah on Rav

  99. I would love to try these needles out! I have been knitting Mother Bears like crazy, and my needles are wearing down.. these would be coming at the perfect time!

  100. These needles look awesome! I'd love to knit with them.


  101. From what I have read, they sound very interesting

  102. I would love to knit using the Karbonz needles because ever since I heard they were available, I've been dying to use them. I think it would make my sock knitting experience that much better:-)

  103. I would love to knit a pair of socks with these.
    Rav ID: corirallen

  104. Something that I can't break! I need to get out of my sock knitting slump too.
    monkalicious on Rav

  105. I have a collection of different needles, just won your dreams starter set. Want to win and add your cubics also in my collection. karbonz looking great.

  106. I would like to knit with these because I never have used carbon fiber for knitting. I know that it's both flexible and durable.. and I dig that these have metal tips... all in all it just is a totally cool thing, and I want to know if I like them or not, so I would love to win some!!

    Indulgence on Rav

  107. I love the dreamz interchangeables so I would love to give these a try as well.
    Brenda9419 on Ravelry

  108. I am new to the world of knitting and would love to keep up my grandmother's tradition of knitting for our family. I wish I started when she was still alive to teach me. These needles would really help me to continue her legacy as a knitter.

    Ravelry ID: cooper8759

  109. I would love to have new needles.

    Ravelry id: fayofthewoods

  110. I'd love to try 2.75mm for socks.
    wahoomerryf on Rav

  111. I tend to knit a little tightly with smaller dpns and have a little bend in many of my metal dpns. I'd love to test out the Karbonz and put an end to the bend!

    annethologist on Rav

  112. Carbon fiber makes excellent arrows; I'd love to try it for knitting!

  113. I think those needles would feel like magic to my fingers. Anything made with them would be lovely but I would think socks would make a good first project since I have never made socks yet.

  114. I would love to win a pair of Karbonz needles
    Thanks for the contest.
    Purplefrog5 on ravelry

  115. Most of my dpns are old or inexpensive so it would be nice to work with a good pair.

  116. I use DPNs for sock making either Dreamz or Stainless Steel, I would love to try these out!!
    Rav = CrochetKnitLady

  117. I usually use bamboo and would love to try your Karbonz!

  118. I would like to win a set of these because I have broken more than one wooden dpn trying to knit socks. Um, and because I'm a knitting needle junkie.


  119. Always searching for the perfect needle and haven't had the opportunity to try these yet. Ravelry ID: skysinger

  120. I would really like to try Karbonz they look good quality
    ilovemyipad on ravelry

  121. I would love love love to try these - they sound like a dream combination of glide and hold.
    Rav ID: vinterstrikker

  122. One way to improve any skill is to try new tools. I think it would be interesting to try these and see how they are to knit with. Could sell me on buying more.

    rav: aewsimmons

  123. I'd love to try these out! I tend to knit very tightly so I've broken the tips in some of my bamboo DPNs!

    Rav: CraftyMommaKnits

  124. I have a set and love them. I wish they came as an interchangable set as well. They are pointy without being painfully sharp, and they create even stitches. Love them!

    knitterlydesigns on Ravelry

  125. have heard amazing things about these and really interested in trying them out... know an amazing sock knitter who loves them due to not warping :) (rav katielgold)

  126. I would love to try these because these are new to me. These are beautiful

  127. The closest LYS is about an hour away. My sister works in that town and I'm lucky enough to see her about once a week or every two. I usually call them when I'm not able to get down there when I need something, they will set it aside and when my sister comes in they have it all ready for her. The last time I called was for a longer cable for the interchangeable dreamz needles(about a week ago), when I called they told me I really needed to come in to try the new Karbonz...I told them I didn't because I only use wood/bamboo ones....guess we'll never know unless we try em:) Ravelry ID: leti-ann

  128. They'd be the fanciest needles I would own! Lol. If I had a pair of these, I could finally try my hand at knitting socks. I have the yarn... just no needles, lol. :)

    RavID: GeneralBunny

  129. I would love to try these I always break wood DPN's
    QTWIQ on Rav

  130. My group is doing fingerless gloves this year (in complex surface patterns), and I'd really enjoy trying out these needles to make them.

  131. I think these needles would be perfect for knitting my first pair of socks. I'd love to get them, rav id: iribeiro

  132. I would like to try these needles because I'm always afraid that I'm going to snap my wooden ones and I already bent a size 0 of my nickel plated ones. ravelry id: oceania

  133. I'd love to knit with these needles because I've heard great things about them and I have never tried them.

    Hishandmaid on Ravelry

  134. My favorite way to knit socks is with DPN's! I read good comments about these needles and I would love to try them! I love their look! Crossing my fingers!

    Sylviemom on Rav

  135. I have never used these before and would love to try them out.


    KnitbyBitDesigns-RAV ID

  136. I have lust in my heart for these needles!
    Purlsb4wine on Ravelry

  137. I have never heard of this type of needle before, I would very much like to try them
    Rav id: zelator

  138. For my socks of course! Ravelry ID ondrayaknits

  139. I am trying to convince myself to knit more socks. A set of these fabulous looking dpns would be the push I need!

    TanyaSt27 on ravelry

  140. I would love to try these type of needles. They sound like they would be a very interesting needle to try in contrast to my typical cheap metal needles.

    Crazee on Ravelry

  141. I would love to try these needles. Socks are on my "yet to attempt" list, primarily because i haven't found a set of DPNs that I loved yet. I'm loving the sounds of a nice metal tip but lightweight body.

    mrsmommy on Rav

  142. These needles look great for knitting socks.
    zelator on ravelry

  143. I love the feel of these needles!
    Kenyetta on ravelry

  144. My heart is pounding. Oh Please! Oh Please let this be the lucky entry.
    I love DPNs -- metal, wood, plastic, bamboo. And I'm sure I would love carbon fiber DPNs too.
    Contact me, Elky, on Ravelry.

  145. I would LOVE to give these a try!
    Rav: squirrel551

  146. These look like they would be the perfect alternative to the "stickiness" of wood needles and the "cold" of metal needles! I might even go back to using DPNs for socks instead of magic loop with these.

  147. rav ID Stormy324 (forgot to put it in my previous post as I was too busy drooling over these needles)

  148. I love to knit tiny toys with my DPN's, but unfortunately I've broken quite a few needles over the years. I would love to try these and see how they hold up. I've been very pleased with the circular needles I have from Knitter's Pride, so I'm guessing these would be great too!

    saraq24 on Ravelry

  149. I havebeen a knitter for over 45 yrs and never yet used really nice needles,I would love to win these, witchycat on Ravelry x

  150. I've heard amazing things with these needles and have been wanting to learn how to knit with DPNs :)

    AmyBamy on Ravelry

  151. I'd like to try these needles. Patternwhisperer on ravelry.

  152. Socks and mittens are my favorite things to knit, and I'd like to try a type of metal besides aluminum (which always scratches my fingers).

    peppermints on Ravelry.

  153. I would love to try these needles! I have your Dreamz and love them!! I'm sure these will be wonderful too!

  154. I would love to try these needles.

  155. I've heard great things about them, and I'm a needle junky.
    Coristars on Ravelry

  156. This comment has been removed by the author.

  157. would love to try them out. Can never have enough needles or toys for that matter.
    angelellens on Ravelry

  158. I have heard that they are durable and they don't hurt your hands like some of the generic plastic and bamboo ones do.

    PprmntMochaMama on Ravelry

  159. I love my Cubics for making socks and would love to try the Karbonz
    jwallace on rav

  160. I would love to find a set of DPNs that is not so lick you can't keep stitches on the needles. And not so grabby you can't move the stitches without putting a needle down. I would love to give these a spin to see if they fill the bill.

  161. I have very few DPN sets since I generally don't like the way they make my hands feel. I'd love to try a pair and see the difference they make!
    afh163 on rav

  162. I would love to win these. All of my needles seem to be falling apart.

  163. I'd love to try these. Thanks for a chance to win them.

    Fidgement on Ravelry

  164. I love my other set of needles by you guys so this would have to be just as fantastic! I would love to knit a hat with these!!!!! My Ravelry ID is Ninsun23

  165. I'd love to knit my first pair of socks on a pair of these! I've got the pattern and yarn - just need the needles. :)

  166. I love my DPNs for socks! I'd love to give them a try. Thanks~

  167. I would really like to give these needles a try! lleavid on Ravelry

  168. I want to try Karbonz because they look so sleek and sexy. I have never met a Knitter's Pride needle I did not like.

  169. I'm a little hard on wood dpns borken ones and metal bent ones, I would the best of both and this looks like it!
    ajdag on Rav

  170. I would love to learn to use sock yarn to make socks! I have problems finding socks as I broke my leg and ankle many years ago and that leg has issues. I have seen these needles at one of my Guild's meeting, but as yet have not needletasted them. Anything that can ease me into the wonderful world of socks would be a blessing and I would love to give these a whirl.
    yarnladee on ravelry

  171. Ooh these are nice! The only thing holding me back from learning to make socks and small toys is the use of double pointed needles... I'm sure these would be fantastic! ~.^

    TheCraftyUnicorn on Ravelry

  172. Broke down, cuz I could wait, and bought a set of fixed circular Karbonz needles... and what a difference!!! now give me interchangeable and I think I found a new needle!
    on ravelry: prismaticr

  173. Would love to try a pair of these. Making my fist pair of socks right now. Really don't like DPN'S. Find socks challenging as I am a fairly new knitter. So maybe these needles would help me. Thanks so much for the opportunity to maybe be the lucky winner.

  174. So far Dreamz are my favorite ... but I am beginning to use DPN and would love for Karbonz to be my first DPN set!

    mydals on Ravelry

  175. Wow !! I am a very tight knitter, and I have a habit of bending and breaking my sock DPNs. I'd love to try these new needles ~~

    zigzaggyknits on Rav.

  176. I haven't been happy with the needles that I've been using lately (I was sucked in by the sexy red cable, but they haven't delivered), and I'm looking for an excellent product to replace them. I've been a fan of Knitter's Pride needles for a while, and would be interested to see how Karbonz compare to your cubics, which I love.

  177. Ugh, forgot to add my rav name: lilianic

  178. socks, hats, cabling! i could have so much fun with these!

  179. I love my metal dpns but they're too slick - the Karbonz sound perfect!

  180. I would love to knit with Karbonz needles. The reviews are awesome. Ebbtide on Ravelry

  181. I love using DPNs and these sound amazing! I'd love to take them for a spin...
    CAMcK on Rav

  182. I'd like to know why Karbonz aren't interchangeable yet

  183. I would love to win this set of dpns and I'd like to add that I am thrilled that you are planning a Karbonz interchangeable set for future release. I'll be first in line to buy mine! I hope you'll offer a special tips version, too.

    dehbiknits on Ravelry

  184. I've heard nothing but good things about the Karbonz and would love to try them. I love the Cubics and imagine the Karbonz are just as nice. (And they look cool, too!)

    Rav ID: amalya

  185. I'm a fan of Dreamz so am eager to try this next Knitters Pride product. Rav mlbs

  186. I've just "started" to build my collection of all the sizes of the dpns, so I have a ways to go. But I love the tips, feel NO drag, and find them really easy to use (as in no warping/bending in my hands). And I'm thrilled to say the 1.75mm and 1.5 mm for gloves/glove fingers have come to my rescue -- yahoo!

  187. I would love to add these to my tool stash :-) What a great set of needles! Ravelry ID: CRCjaxknits

  188. Kazbonz look like another breakthrough in knitting tools from Knitters Pride. I would like to try them. Thank you.
    Ann Volkes

  189. I would love to try these for sock knitting. I tend to keep my tension so tight that I warp bamboo needles & have snapped rosewood. I'm not a huge fan of metal needles, but they're more durable. I will admit there is a slight warp to my most frequently used metal DPNs.

  190. I'd love a set of karbonz dpns. I took a mittens class at Knit Wit in Portland, ME this winter where many used karbonz and they turend out so wonderful! I'd love to try a pair as they are so much more durable than my bamboo dpns that break relatively often since they get so much use. I'm joha123 on Ravelry.

  191. I would love to add to my needle collection. I've been eyeballing these and would love to give them a whirl.

  192. Well, I DO need a new pair of mittens! I adore my Cubics interchangeables - I have issues with the tendon in my right thumb and I love how I don't have to grip the Cubics as tightly as some of the round needles. I'd love to try these out and see how they work with my thumb.

    I'm kaelynn on Ravelry :)

  193. I have some very nice metal interchangeable needles, but would love a chance to try the Karbonz. Maybe I'd have a bit more control, without losing what little speed I have? Can only hope...

    Ravelry ID sviqueen

  194. I love the Karbonz because they are as light as Bamboo while much sturdier than those (broken needle on a two-week vacation anyone?). At the same time, the tips offer the pointiness of metal needles.

    Contact me as "lasolue13" on Ravelry, if I am the lucky winner :)

  195. I read Clara Parkes' review when it came out and it sounded great! Also, most of my DPNs are old aluminum ones that my mom passed down to me. :-p

  196. I have one pair of these needles. I love them. They are my go-to needles for anything requiring a size 6.

  197. I would love to find a set of DPNs that would stand up to my tight knitting. I have held back from getting into socks or hats because of this and would love to win a set that could help me really stash bust :)

    On Ravelry as moldavitesofa.

    Fingers crossed!

  198. I'd love to knit a hat with these!! gracye is my ravelry and is my email :)

  199. I have been really improving my smaller gauge projects such as socks and fine hats.....lace, etc. The Karbonz look like they will work like a breeze and be a pleasure to work with.
