
Free Spring Pattern + A Giveaway

We're excited to share with you a great pattern for showing off your knitting skills all spring and summer long! Today we're sharing another free pattern from designer Mari Chiba from Mari Knits. Mari had these thoughts to share with us about her new design:

These beautiful silver earrings are worked with 32 gauge pure silver wire on Knitter's Pride Bamboo
DPNs. I prefer knitting with bamboo needles when working with silver because it helps grip the metal better. You could use straight or circular needles for this project, but since you're working such a small number of stitches I find that double pointed needles are easier to hold and manage while knitting. I used US 4 (3.5mm) needles for these earrings, but if you'd like a more open weave to your earrings you could use US 5 (3.75mm) or us 6 (4mm) needles. This will also result in a slightly larger earring.

US 4 (3.5 mm) double pointed knitting needles (see note above)
2 Silver Earring Wires

25 yards 32 gauge silver wire

CO     cast on
k2tog  knit 2 stitches together 
k         knit
skp     slip 1 knit-wise , k1, pass the slipped stitch over
st(s)    stitch(es)

Leaf Earring (make 2)
CO 3 sts. 
Row 1: K1, yo, k1, yo, k1; 5 sts. 
Row 2, 4, 6: Knit. 
Row 3: K2, yo, k1, yo, k2; 7 sts.  
Row 5: K3, yo, k1, yo, k3; 9 sts. 
Row 7: K4, yo, k1, yo, k4; 11 sts. 
Rows 8-10: Knit. 
Row 11: K1, skp, k5, k2tog, k1; 9 sts. 
Rows 12-13: Knit. 
Row 14: K1, skp, k3, k2tog, k1; 7 sts. 
Rows 15-16: Knit. 
Row 17: K1, skp, k1, k2tog, k1; 5 sts. 
Row 18: Knit. 
Row 19: Skp, k1, k2tog; 3 sts. 
Row 20: Skp, k1; 2 sts. 
Row 21: Skp; 1 st. 
Cut wire and pull through the last stitch. 

Using the tail from the cast on attach the earring to the earring wire. Weave in the end through the body of the earring and trim. Weave in the end from the tip of the leave and trim. Shape the earring as desired. 


This month we're giving away three pairs of Knitter's Pride Karbonz Fixed Circular needles to three lucky readers! With smooth nickel tips, a strong lightweight carbon fiber body and flexible cords these needles are great for all types of projects!

For your chance to win, leave a comment on this blog telling us what makes you a strong and flexible knitter or crocheter. Don't forget to mention your Ravelry ID so we can get in touch with you if you're one of our three lucky winners! We'll be announcing the winners on Friday, April 25, 2014


  1. Strong = stubborn : yes, I will figure this out and accomplish it. Flexible = creative: make it my own with a little tweak here and a little tweak there. Rav amchart

  2. Exercise keeps my arms and back strong and flexible, and I move around a lot! JudyAnn

  3. I am strong and flexible because I'm not afraid to try something new! jordyndunaway on Rav

  4. I'm a strong and flexible knitter because I'm fearless! I'm confident that I can figure anything out, even if it takes me a few tries. I love to learn new techniques while I work on projects. I'm chickadeelove on Ravelry!

  5. I'm strong and flexible because i keep trying new techniques and methods. 100creations @ ravelry

  6. I'm strong and flexible because I like trying new techniques and am willing to rip out and try again if they don't work out the first time!
    lindaran on Rav

  7. I'm made a stronger and more flexible knitter through the support and encouragement of other knitters. They challenge me to try new patterns, skills, fibers and notions which improve my skills and make me a better knitter. Texasjill

  8. I'm a strong and flexible knitter because of my years of practice, my willingness to tackle new techniques, and my tenacity to overcome hurdles. I just love knitting! My ravelry ID is dallasar.

  9. I believe I am strong and flexible, having learned to knit this past year in my 50's, completing various techniques and projects, including a cabled vest for my grandson. Yay! :-D
    dancinglawn on ravelry

  10. Knitting keeps my hands and fingers limber and flexible. It helps to stave off arthritis.

  11. My knitting friends make me a strong and flexible knitter - we help each other with knitting (and life) problems.
    Ravelry ID - Tobybowen

  12. I'm a strong and flexible knitter because I'm always willing to learn new techniques and stitches,I will do them over and over until I get it right.
    Ravelry ID brookeolenar

  13. I'm a strong and flexible knitter because I'm always willing to try new things. I just finished a scarf with beads that I was afraid to try, but it was so easy I can hardly believe.
    Ravelry ID knitterbeader

  14. I'm a strong and flexible knitter because I work out my own solutions when I run into problems with patterns and I'm also not afraid to ask for help.
    ravelry ID: KatieK

  15. My knitting group makes me strong and flexible. Getting together and creating with a group of friends enriches my life in so many ways, giving and getting help, sharing patterns, tips, stories, ourselves. It is wonderful.
    esbeads on Rav

  16. Part of my growth as a knitter is the ability to rip - to know that I or the pattern are not right, and to start over - adjust the pattern to fit, the needle to gauge, the yarn to what ever it wants to be, and not forcing it to be what I think it should be. This flexibility has done wonders for my knitting! I'm Greyknitter on Rav!

  17. I feel I'm a strong and flexible knitter because I have a passion for knitting. Having passion in what you do is the key to success and helps one through any hurdle! My Ravelry ID is cbaird25. Thank you!

  18. I believe knitting has kept my hands strong and flexible….kept the arthritis away! And I believe I'm becoming and stronger and more flexible knitter in terms of my mistakes…I take it as an opportunity or challenge to figure out what went wrong and TRY to fix it…at least I'm not panicking anymore!

  19. "The hands will remember!" Some days a dishcloth was the best I could do. Just Knit! It will see you through dark times. (Thanks to an endless winter I have a pile of squishy dishcolthes! Anyone need one :) )
    RAV Laurie521

  20. Knitting soothes my stress and anxiety after a long day of 3 kids and their after school activities and sports. So glad it's so portable to take anywhere.
    rav fairyblue

  21. Knitting keeps my mind sharp. There is more than one way to do almost anything, and once you know how to fix your mistakes without ripping out and starting over, you're golden. Kind of a metaphor for life. That's what makes me strong and flexible.
    Ravelry: laceyzana

  22. Knitting has become a great stress buster for me. When my family members are in crisis I just pick up my needles and destress away Ravelry:socks2

  23. I'm strong and flexible because I'm able to laugh at my mistakes, and then start over. Rav is lene

  24. Knitting teaches me how to be patient and to accept imperfection.
    Something beautiful doesn't mean it has to be perfect in every possible way.
    Mistakes happened, how to deal and fix them is what makes me a strong and flexible knitter. Ravelry: dwiverson

  25. I am a strong knitter because I don't mind ripping out and starting over.

  26. SheepTherapy on Ravelry12 April 2014 at 17:56

    I am strong and flexible knitter because I enjoy trying new patterns and learning new techniques.

  27. knitmetoo on Ravelry12 April 2014 at 20:31

    I am a strong and flexible knitter because I soak up all the info I can about knitting. I am passionate about my hobby!

  28. I am a strong and flexible knitter because I love to teach others how to knit - and try to make it work for them and their way of knitting, not teach them that they have to do things MY way. Rav Id is bearybearco

  29. I'm strong and flexible because I don't trap myself into creating one type of item, nor using the same type of fiber. I enjoy experimenting! My Ravelry ID is: Starkat

  30. I guess I'd be "strong and flexible" because I have a knack for picking up new techniques quickly, and a tendency to pick up a pattern that looks good without regard to whether I already know all the things necessary to complete it. Which sort of forces me to learn as I go.

    RavID: starcr

  31. I guess what makes me flexible as far as knitting goes, is that I am willing to try anything at least once. RAVID: Tanknit

  32. I am a strong and flexible knitter because despite being a new knitter I do not give up, I do not run from things I want to learn and I accept the mistakes I make.. I frog if I need to and will rework a row as many times as needed to get it right.

  33. I am a strong and flexible knitter because I plowed through the heavily beaded, lace weight Hanami stole and it wasn't even for me! =) That and I can knit and cheer on my daughter at soccer at the same time (and dodge the occasional ball).

    Rav ID: flourgirlsweets

  34. I've been a knitter for >60 yrs, I practise Yoga to keep flexible and do Strong for Life exercises, so that makes me a "Strong and Flexible Knitter" ;) RavelryID: MaidMarrion

  35. I'm strong because I exercise my knitting muscles as often as possible and flexible because love many different techniques. I'm NatalieServant on Ravelry.

  36. Knitting has taught me patience, to pay attention to detail, and to improvise when necessary.. so in other words.. strong and flexible

  37. When I knit, I can do either continental or English styles. debbie12345

  38. I am a strong and flexible knitter because I am patient, I don't panick, I find solutions to correct my mistakes and I finish every projects I start (well almost). I am genevievep on Ravelry

  39. I am a flexible knitter as I'm good at adapting patterns to suit my taste and knitting makes me strong. Rav ID Maja-san

  40. I am a strong and flexible knitter as I try new things...sometimes they work and sometimes they do not, but knitting is to be fun....sometimes the mistakes turn into a nice mistake and a new pattern is born! Rav Id is annegreengables.....thank you!

  41. I knit pretty fast and take pride in being able to knit without looking so much. Rav: HSailorMoon

  42. I'm a flexible knitter because I will change a pattern to suit my mood, or my needs, and knit all sorts of different types of projects. I think I'm a strong knitter because I've knit so long I built up skills to do all sorts of things!

  43. I took up knitting as a therapy to regain my fine motor skills after a flare of a newly diagnosed disease and found that I love to knit. I've regained function and Knitting has made me stronger in body and mind!

  44. Time makes me stronger--the longer I knit the better I am at it, and patterns that flummoxed me a year or two ago are easy now. I wonder what I was so scared of, and don't remember. Tools make me flexible--learning that different needle materials make for different gauges and stitch definition, quelling my fear of stitch markers and cable needles, loving my tight stockinette and loose purl--and make the knitted piece my own.

    Rav: widha

  45. I believe learning to spin has made me a stronger knitter - I understand the properties of the fiber I'm using, I can better select a more appropriate type of yarn to knit with, and it makes me slow down and appreciate the fabric i'm creating, other than rushing to complete a project.
    RAVID: indiechixor

  46. Being able to alter patterns to suit my needs makes me flexible. Knitting also requires a bit more patience for me than crochet, so knitting has definitely forced me to take my time instead of rushing through things.

    rav: cihtiikn

  47. I'm willing to try anything! I love learning new techniques and trying new tools, its my favorite part of knitting.

  48. I'm probably not that strong and flexible, honestly. I'm still learning. But I'd love to win anyway!

  49. I am a strong and flexible stitcher because I am always trying new things and wanting to expand my knowledge of the crafts. I research texts from all over the world and through the times.


  50. I am a flexible knitter because I keep at a project even if I have to redo it a few times. Ahhhh, the beauty of a self taught knitter. Find me on Raverly under AmpleGoddess

  51. I'm always making adjustments to patterns which make me pretty flexible! :) Rav id: Karey64

  52. I am definitely a flexible knitter. I have known people who only like socks lace, ect... Why, is what I have to wonder. When there are SO many great yarns, needles, patterns, and techniques to try! I refuse to limit myself and after only knitting for a year I have branched out into double kitting and now Brioche!

  53. I went from a beginner to making my own patterns, and love to experiment with gauge.

    I'm Mikaiyawa on Ravelry

  54. I am strong and flexible because I find peace in my soul when I knit. I taught myself and jumped right into altering patterns. I love working with colors and textured patterns. I have been knitting less than a month and have four finished projects. I am currently halfway through a blanket and feel such pride. I just know I will be knitting forever. ♥ RAV Drayvenn

  55. My youngest child's design ideas have increased my knitting strength and flexibility. Anyone who gets through the custom design process with that 5 yr old has experienced personal growth!
    rmccoyer on ravelry

  56. I am only flexible because of the calmness & peace that knitting gives me! I learned to knit in 2008 and started designing in 2011 because of this flexibility....and genetic gift of knitting! My Mother likes to take credit for my talent every chance she gets. I am disabled and not able to work a regular job. Knitting and designing is everything to me. It gives me peace and validation that what I do still matters. I like creating patterns and knowing that I'm sending something beautiful out into the world. It makes me feel as though I am contributing something worthwhile! I would use new needles to help send beauty out into the world :-) My Ravelry name is mrsdonnelly and my Ravelry Group is Claudia Donnelly Designs. Please come and join us for an upcoming KAL for my new pattern Ferryn which I'll be releasing on 4-29! Kits for the shawl will soon be available for pre-order from Crave Yarns!

  57. teaching has really brought so many aspects of both crochet and knitting and all fiber related activities into a new light! i encourage flexibilty to open your mind to new creative ideas and strength in sharing and exploring. i am jmknitster on ravelry and joandoyleknitson facebook and blogger

  58. My imagination makes me a strong and flexible knitter. It leads me to knit things I didn't think I could and strengthens my skills. Bhamknit on Ravelry

  59. i find strength in my knitting because its in my blood, my great grandmother did alot of knitting and crocheting. and I'm flexible because i'm still new to the craft, so i'm always willing to try something new.

  60. I am a strong and flexible knitter as I am wanting to learn new techniques,which also keeps my mind active.
    robbi5 on Ravelry

  61. I am a strong, flexible knitter because I use Knitter's Pride Dreamz needles. I would like to try the Karbonz to see if I like them as well or better. I think they are gorgeous needles!
    jkcowen on Ravelry

  62. I am a strong and flexible crocheter because my great grandmother taught me at a young age and she crocheted well into her 80's! I am a strong and flexible knitter because I of my crochet skills which helped my tension and have allowed me to knit everything from a minion to a cardigan within 2 years!

    Ravelry: kelnvasian

  63. I am strong and flexible because I am always learning new techniques. I use different needles and yarn types and have more than one knitting project in the works at all times.
    MrsCampbell is my RAV ID

  64. I am a strong and flexible knitter and crocheter because I am also trying to new things and learning new techniques. Rav: stephaniemrdeza

  65. I am stong and flexible because I am a man who knits anywhere and everywhere - I knit on the train, in the office, outside at lunch, etc. etc. Raverly ID: helloknitters

  66. I am a strong flexible knitter and crocheter because I both knit and crochet for over 43 years. I have a lot of patience. I like taking my time to do a project right. I love learning new stitches and techniques. After my grandchildren , of course, knitting and crocheting are my passion, they make me a stronger person, they both give me my inner strength. My Ravelry ID is debido2u.

  67. I'm a strong and flexible knitter because I have knitted using needles from size 000 to 35 and most sizes in between!
    Ravelry ID hardwarequeen

  68. strong and flexible knitter because..I am self taught and have learned things in a shot amt of time. Rav id ajdag

  69. I just knit everything, from dolls to sweaters, and beyond!
    asteride on ravelry

  70. I'm a strong knitter because I'm stubborn which means I don't give up. I also am always looking to learn new things and I work out which helps to keep my mind and body strong.

    rav id: pattymatt

  71. I'm strong to take on challenges and flexible to go with the yarn :)
    Susanmhj on rav

  72. I am willing to Rip and Rework

  73. My strength lies in my ability to knit confidently and ably, but I am still flexible enough to always be learning and improving my skills.
    Lynnesome on Ravelry

  74. Would love to try the Karbonz needles!
    Rav - PAW

  75. What makes me strong & flexible!? I love to try new techniques (just learned to strand) & I will continue with my old favorites (cables & lace).

    Rav - cwknitnut

  76. I'm strong & flexible because I can knit for hours as long as I do my stretches.
    wendydancer on Ravelry

  77. wow.. what lovely Karbonz needles.. would like to stand a chance in winning it.. :D thank you for the tutorial.. and a chance to win.. wishing you a happy easter holiday ahead.. :D

  78. I'm a flexible knitter because I can knit for myself or others, at home or school or on the bus, with whatever I have around. I'm a strong knitter because I push myself to learn new techniques and garment construction methods, and when something scares me about knitting, I find a way to tackle it in baby steps. I'm always looking to better my knitting skills. I'm ktsmurf on Ravellry.

  79. I enjoy the thrill of trying new techniques and adapting when my yarn or stitches take unexpected turns. I'm MysSandy on Ravelry

  80. I'm strong and flexible because trying new techniques in knitting and crochet don't scare me one bit.

  81. Strong... I keep at it till I get the pattern right!
    Flexible....I know when to be flexible with a pattern and change it to suit my idea of how I want it to look.

  82. Knitting was one of my early hobbies. I've also gathered some knitted earrings for women. They're all one of a kind! I love all the information you've given, maybe I will start all over again!

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