
Two Weeks of Holiday Giveaways!

As our way of saying "thank you" for being such wonderful fans, Knitter's Pride is pleased to announce our gift to you this holiday season: two weeks of giveaways!

Over the next two weeks we’ll be giving away fabulous prizes to our fans on social media - on each day listed below, visit the specified channel to find out how you can win that day's prize.

  • Day 1 - December 4: Marblz Deluxe Interchangeable Set - enter NOW by commenting on this blog post! We'd love to hear about your holiday traditions; be sure to also mention your email address or Ravelry ID so that we can contact you if you win.
  • Day 2 - December 7: Shawl Pin on Facebook
  • Day 3 - December 8: Nova Platina Interchangeable Starter Set on Ravelry
  • Day 4 - December 9: Waves Crochet Set on Instagram
  • Day 5 - December 10: Marblz DPN Set for Newsletter Subscribers
  • Day 6 - December 11: Knit Blockers on Facebook
  • Day 7 - December 14: Wool Winder on Ravelry
  • Day 8 - December 15: Nova Platina Special Interchangeable Set on Twitter
  • Day 9 - December 16: Nova Platina Cubics Deluxe Interchangeable Set on Instagram
  • Day 10 - December 17: Nirvana Pom Pom Maker Set on Facebook
Look for our announcements each day on the Knitter's Pride social media channels linked above for your chance to enter each giveaway; we will be announcing the winners for ALL prizes on our next blog post on Friday, December 18. Good luck!


  1. Thank you for all different chances to win. I would love a set of Marblz needles.

  2. Making Christmas cookies is one of our traditions! I hope to start this weekend! Rav ID: sewknittystar

  3. My favorite holiday tradition is just spending time with my family. There are those I only see once or twice a year, and it means a lot to me to be with them.
    KnitterlyAmyB @Ravelry

  4. What a fun thing to do for the holidays! I'm ShadowAP on Rav. I bake nut rolls every year as the big holiday tradition - my family loves them.

  5. One tradition I 'restarted' last year...a dutch tradition is to give a chocolate letter with the person's first name initial...Kids and grandkids were so excited that I did that...they missed their grandma's gift very much!

  6. So nice to have a giveaway to add to the holiday fun!

  7. Like most knitters, my holiday tradition seems to be trying to finish knitting my last gift on Christmas Eve :-). Thanks for the great lineup of giveaways!

    1. Oops, I forgot - I'm MrsCollinHobbs on Ravelry.

  8. One favorite tradition is Christmas morning brunch!
    The Marblz are gorgeous!
    Dancinglawn on ravelry

  9. One favorite tradition is Christmas morning brunch!
    The Marblz are gorgeous!
    Dancinglawn on ravelry

  10. Just one favorite family tradition....Hots steamy mugs of cocoa, seat belts fastened, and driving around looking at all the pretty lights while listening to Christmas music! Thanks for such wonderful giveaways!
    crescendogal on Ravelry

  11. Oh please????? I would love this set :) :) we have many traditions...shoe box thoughts of love, the tree, dinner on New Years Eve since we all work in Florida theme parks and our newest....the family bi-yearly road trip so we know what the snow looks like.

  12. What great giveaways!
    Would love a Marblz set.
    Traditions - Christmas Eve we go to church or watch "The Nativity" if the roads are awful (we are rural). We open gifts on Christmas Eve. Christmas morning I go on the computer and buy Jesus a birthday gift. I know it sounds silly but I go to Compassion Canada and buy a goat or whatever to help a family. Then it is time to start the turkey. The family plays board games, eats a lot and listens to Christmas music. One of my favourite before Christmas traditions though is after the tree is decorated I wait for my husband to have his annual Christmas dinner out with his friends and I curl up with a blanket, chocolates, homemade shortbread cookies and my knitting. The tree is lit and I watch Rudolph and The Grinch (animated). I feel like a kid again, so fun.:)
    Ravelry ID is Wynterr

  13. I grew up in Germany so I share with my daughters German traditions. We have on December 1st advents calendars and on December 6th we celebrate St. Nikolaus. That's when your boots get filled with candy and toys.Would love to have the Marblz needles., andreacraig on Ravelry

  14. Wow! Such a great month of prizes! Thanks so much. Phoenix9320 on Ravelry

  15. Wow! Such a great month of prizes! Thanks so much. Phoenix9320 on Ravelry

  16. would love these! Rav ID wesben

  17. Oh what fun, always family time on Christmas Eve and cookie baking with my 2 grandsons! Love this time of year. Knitting by the tree is the best.

  18. Wow, what great givaways you're having. I would love this Marblz set.
    Christmas tradition - going to church for the beautiful Christmas Eve service then home for eggnog!
    Ravelry name: knitterbeader

  19. So excited for this! RavID: caffeine72

  20. Would love to win this. I love the Marblz needles! I'm Susie on Ravelry

  21. My fav Christmas tradition is singing carols with family. Norwoodworld on ravelry

  22. Our holiday traditions include making my great grandmother's cookies called puggies. Well, my aunt and sister make them, I just eat them :-) My ravelry ID is socrafty1. Thanks for the chance to win!

  23. My favorite Christmas tradition is opening stockings before the presents. It's amazing all the stuff you can get out of a stocking. Maybe this year I'll be lucky enough to get something from KnitterPride :)
    Happy Holidays to everyone!
    themomster! on Ravelry

  24. My favorite tradition was opening one gift each before going to midnight mass, then a snack after mass, and off to sleep so Santa could come.
    Ravelry id is Mikokitt.

  25. My favourite holiday tradition is breaking the Christmas bread with a lucky coin.
    mamayaga on Ravelry

  26. Nuts and Bolts - mmmm yum!
    skywater on Ravelry

  27. Wow! Great giveaway! Most important tradition here: our natural Christmas tree, every year since our first child was born! Every year I make a new handmade ornament to put in the tree! Also we love baking holiday cookies! Holiday movies!

    Sylviemom on Rav

  28. Our favorite tradition is the tradition of giving and getting only hand made presents for Christmas. Because of this tradition, my children know how to knit, crochet, sew, paint, bead, cross stitch, and embroider. Every year, they venture out to learn a new craft to produce a present for Christmas. One year we were up to our ears in paper machier! This year, knitting is the craze- and I hope it sticks because it is my favorite AND it is not messy! I am rjgosnell on rav and email is rjgosnell at gmail dot com

  29. I would love to win! I'm PeanutPip on Ravelry and it's

    Our favourite Christmas tradition is getting new pyjamas on Christmas Eve, and curling up in them to watch Christmas movies by the light of the Christmas tree while we eat shortbread and mince pies, and drink hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows :D

  30. My holiday traditions include spending as much time as possible with family! RavID: knitwitnumber9

  31. What an awesome two weeks!!!
    My favorite tradition in my home country was "Candle day". People get together with their families and neighbors, and light candles on the sidewalk and front yards, have barbecues (I lived in Colombia) and kids would play with the candle wax. It was the beginning of the holiday season and it was amazing to feel the Christmas spirit.
    My Rav. Id is Alanamoya.

  32. My favorite tradition is spending time with family.

  33. Our family tradition is to go visit my mom and dad. Vivi1111

  34. Every year I make my husband's family's favorite Italian chocolate chip cookie recipe which makes enough cookies to last for weeks! - hoyagirl on Ravelry

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Our new Christmas tradition is to spend our holidays traveling.
    Ravelry ID: Mollie1999

  37. I always look forward to putting up a tree. Living in Oregon I get one from a U-cut lot in town. I'm slowly building up my collection of knitted ornaments.

  38. I am a fairly new but knitter lacking in supplies but not ambitions. This would be a wonderful win. Ravelry # honeyface1025

  39. As a child, my favorite Christmas tradition was playing games with Mom, Mambo (my dad's mom) and my brothers. The best was being the banker while playing Monopoly. Dad and Grandpa would be enjoying their after feast nap in front of the TV in the living room. On Ravelry: myzbarb.

  40. Baking proper shortbread is my favourite tradition
    On ravelry:

  41. My favorite holiday tradition is gathering for dinner and gift exchange with family from 7 months to 87 years old. hardwarequeen on Ravelry

  42. Our holiday tradition is pizza on Christmas Eve!
    emarci on ravelry

  43. Our family feasts upon lasagna when we gather for Christmas.
    Ravelry: iamsomewhere

  44. Our tradition is to make eggnog and try not to drink it all in one go. RavID: chmor163

  45. we don't really have any traditions these days but we use to have one of driving around and looking at holiday lights/decorations in the more upscale neighborhoods. RavID:webpixies

  46. Having kids has made the holidays all the more special. I love seeing them through their eyes.

    Rav id: caughtbythebees

  47. For me, it's not Christmas morning unless I hear A Charlie Brown Christmas on vinyl.
    Ravelry ID: RisingPhoenix23

  48. My favorite holiday memory is time spent with my grandma and cousins baking her special recipe sugar cookies and delivering them around to friends and family.

    Rav id cfish2816

  49. My favorite holiday memory is time spent with my grandma and cousins baking her special recipe sugar cookies and delivering them around to friends and family.

    Rav id cfish2816

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. What an amazing giveaway! One of our family traditions includes watching A Christmas Story while I knit and just taking it easy. Oh and eating tamales.

    Good luck to everyone
    ravelry: mistresscatgirl

  52. Our family tradition is staying up all night on Christmas Eve wrapping & staging all the Santa gifts. Every year I say I'll get ahead of the game, and every year for the last 25 years it's the same. The only difference is that I occasionally acquire new help once one of my babies learns "the truth". When that happens, they are recruited as part of Mrs. Claus' wrapping brigade. I only have one left who still believes, and I'm praying this isn't the last year for me to witness the magic and wonder on his sweet face on Christmas morning.
    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    RavelryID: LisaRose7

  53. Our family tradition is staying up all night on Christmas Eve wrapping & staging all the Santa gifts. Every year I say I'll get ahead of the game, and every year for the last 25 years it's the same. The only difference is that I occasionally acquire new help once one of my babies learns "the truth". When that happens, they are recruited as part of Mrs. Claus' wrapping brigade. I only have one left who still believes, and I'm praying this isn't the last year for me to witness the magic and wonder on his sweet face on Christmas morning.
    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    RavelryID: LisaRose7

  54. A tradition that was passed onto me from my mother is baking Spritz cookies each year. They're the butter cookies that you make with the gun. This year I made about 360 of them! Now they all need to be eaten, ugh.
    Revelry ID: happydayo01

  55. For the past several years, my husband and I have enjoyed baking a rum cake for the rest of the family. It's definitely a cake for adults and everyone loves it *wink*.
    Thanks for the giveaway, happy holidays!

    ravelry id: ingerasata

  56. I make New Year cards with pictures of my animals :)
    And in recent years I've made an end-of-year photo collage for each month, to post on my blog on 31 January. It's become a very special way for me to remember and appreciate the year that is passing and think about the year ahead!
    Quinn on rav

  57. My favourite holiday tradition is playing lots of board games with my family. Before and after Christmas dinner and also whenever else we get together over the holidays. It's a great way to reconnect as a family.
    Rav ID: Kimert

  58. Growing up, we'd open our stockings first thing Christmas morning, then my mum would make breakfast (quiche and scones). After we'd all eaten, then we'd open the rest of the presents

    Now that I'm married, we still do stockings and then breakfast before presents. My husband doesn't like eggs, but he does like chocolate chip scones! They're perfect for Christmas morning because they're delicious and quick!

    Ravelry ID: goosey1019

  59. The kids and I love to do the decorating together. Tree, wall hangings, the windows, we do it all together. We also enjoy making cookies for the kids and adults, and coquito for the adults.
    rav id: songbirdz

  60. Spending time with family! Christmas movies! Thanks for the Giveaway!! rav id : katydo1

  61. We now doe things differently since we've moved and are away from the Grandchildren. What has worked though is they FaceTime us when are ready to open their Christmas gifts so we sorta feel like we're there with them...its a lot of fun actually.

  62. My Rav ID is - robbyblue (all lower case letters & no space between the 2 words)
    Our first tradition is to decorate the Chistmas tree together & after the tree's done we decorate the rest of the house. My favourite tradition after decorating is making 'biscotti' - we make pistachio & cranberry. The red & green are very Christmassy & they taste delicious too

  63. I love my extended family's Christmas Eve dinner. So many aunts and uncles and cousins and their kids. It can be a mad house, but it's fun to see everyone. I'm globalite on Ravelry.

  64. We decorate with many vintage and sentimental pieces, like a ceramic tree that lights up and ornaments from my grandparents. catrionag on Ravelry

  65. Our traditions are open one gift Christmas Eve and milk and cookies when we open our presents Christmas Day. Stitcherpat on ravelry

  66. Our tradition is to pull out the ping pong table during Christmas break and have lots of fun tournaments. Can't wait!! Thanks! I am JoanneThreadHead on Ravelry.

  67. We have a family Christmas Eve

  68. Thank you guys so much for this wonderful giveaway! One of our family traditions is eating Cuban food for Christmas dinner(even though we aren't Cuban)
    MusicalFedoras on Ravelry

  69. Lots of traditions here. I go all out on decorating; tree, ornaments on the ceiling, garlands everywhere. I also bake cookies for family and to give to neighbors. Dystini on Ravelry

  70. Christmas morning opening presents. Cookie baking sessions. Driving around looking at Christmas lights. Knitmetoo on Ravelry.

  71. Signing Christmas Carols with the family and having a Tom & Jerry. Thank you for the many awesome giveaways.

    sisterrobinson on Ravelry

  72. Christmas Eve after church we meet family and friends for late dinner at IHOP.

  73. Amazing giveway! My tradition....cookies and milk for Santa near the tree during the holy night ;) happy holidays

  74. Wonderful giveaways! My tradition is no birthday cake with Christmas Trees...just plain will do.

  75. We don't do much these days, with everyone scattered in different locations and not everyone willing (or able) to travel. I still make sure to bake a pumpkin cake with cream cheese icing each year though, no matter what. :) Ravelry: lilshutterbug

  76. My favorite holiday tradition is decorating the tree with my son. I also love knitting gifts for my family and friends. I'm ktsmurf on Ravelry

  77. My favorite holiday tradition is riding around on Christmas eve and looking at all the Christmas lights and decorations.

    knittingdancer on Raverly

  78. Watching The Mupper Christmas Carol! sockNubbins

  79. Im a crazy holiday baker and knitter. Hats for all and cookies too!

    tktl on Ravelry

  80. Im a crazy holiday baker and knitter. Hats for all and cookies too!

    tktl on Ravelry

  81. thanks for the chance to win! Our tradition is opening one gift on Christmas Eve. ravelry is cuzinit email is:

  82. Christmas dinner with my family. Rav id DChris

  83. I'm knitting as fast as I can to finish 2 more Christmas giits!
    Rav: amarasharon email:

  84. Christmas morning breakfast!

  85. Christmas Eve dinner at my aunts with the feast of almost seven fishes!

  86. Thank you for offering! AnnBan on Ravelry

  87. Love the look of your needles. I haven't had a chance to buy any of them yet, but hope to soon. As for Christmas traditions.... the kids only get to open one present on Christmas Eve and that is their new pj's. It works out great... it helps them with their excitement of presents under the tree and they are all looking great for pictures on Christmas. :-) Email :

  88. I love using my knitter's pride circulars for both in the round and "straight" projects. RavID: Densford

  89. Usually the two weeks leading to Christmas, I'm a baking machine, I make homemade cookies, truffles, bark, popcorn, anything you can think of to give away as gifts.
    Ravelry ID: Adia

  90. This is so cool of the many give aways from your company! I love using my interchangeable circular needles ... just need to add more needles to my collection

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Baking, shopping, attending holiday parties and events... sometimes it's hard to remember why we do this (said the introvert)! On the other hand, this time of year is filled with joy. It's my favorite time of the year.

    1. Oh, I forgot to mention I'm jenonymous on Ravelry

  93. What a great giveaway!
    Ravelry ID is Dynia

  94. I am a Newfoundlander, so tradition for my family is salt fish for Christmas eve, then Christmas mass. I would love to win anything! Any of the interchangealbe knitting sets would be great. Thanks for the giveaway.

  95. Each child decorates a "Happy Birthday, Jesus" cake. Santa has his goodies, too. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to win a great gift. Ravelry ID kay4070

  96. Fantastic giveaway! Revelry id charleneanderson

  97. Thank you for the opportunity to win. I would love a set of Marble or Royale interchangables.

  98. My family’s holiday tradition is having a birthday cake on Christmas day to reflect Jesus’s birthday.

  99. I just ordered a set of interchangeable needles, I just love them! My holiday traditions are greatly diminished these days since my son and granddaughter do not live close, so hoping to go visit them at their house this year. The best part of the holidays is getting together with friends and people putting aside their differences for at least a short time. Ravelry ID is dezignmama

  100. I love baking cookies for the office or a cookie exchange. It's always fun to try new recipes and revisit old favorites.

    RavelryID: halcyon37

  101. I make cookies for my friends.

    Ravelry ID: tacalvert

  102. Around this time of the year, I usually would be busy shopping for presents. This year I stay at home instead and busy knitting, knitting and knitting.

  103. Baking cookies with my grandson.

  104. In our family we each do our own thing on Christmas Eve and Chritmas morning. Christmas PM we have a big English style dinner: roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, etc. Need to do a plum pudding this year! Love your Cubics line; they have given me so many more hours of knitting. Ravelry: anteateralice

  105. Although not religious, the end of the year is a great time to relish the adventures and mis-adventures of the past 11 months.


  106. Great prizes. My holiday tradition is a brunch with all the family.

  107. Two of my families main holiday traditions are eating a huge meal on Christmas Eve and then sitting around the fire and opening present. Christmas morning we make beignets and then open our stockings from Santa. I love it.

  108. Oh my gosh!!!!! Having these would be AWESOME!!!!

  109. A favorite tradition my daughter and I have is baking cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve! My Ravelry ID is chrissym79

  110. We always open presents in the morning before breakfast (because kids can't wait!) and we have a family dinner Christmas Day.
    Rav ID - yarnaddict

  111. What a wonderful giveaway! I love to both knit and crochet and this year's special gifts were facecloths and soap sacks made from the softest chenille yarn. My Ravelry ID is tkagain.

  112. We always opened presents on Christmas Eve after midnight. Now we only open one. Fidgement on Ravelry.

  113. I'm fairly new to knitting, ANYTHING as a prize is fantastic!

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. What an awesome give away ... would love this. lynnegreatorex on ravelry

  116. don't do much anymore over the holidays as I live far away from all my family but I cherish all the years of memories when it was such a special time of the year.
    what a great giveaway and I am late to it ;) but at least I found it and on the perfect day with it being the knit blocker day!

    i-hook on raverly

  117. One of our favorite holiday traditions that we just began a year ago is now knitting/crocheting little holiday blankets/stockings for patients (especially kids) at the several local hospitals (Ravelry ID: LadyDyer)

  118. One of our family traditions is making pummelschens. They are a round, plum jam filled, deep fried yeast donut. My grandmother has been making them for New Year's since well before I was born - and I'm 50 this year. Now my sisters and I help making them, but my grandmother is still there to supervise and make sure we do it correctly. She is our rock. Savannagal on Rav.

  119. Our tradition is to eat oyster stew while we decorate the tree. I'm Kellie Linn at

  120. ravelry--bretay61

  121. We don't have our own traditions yet, our family is only 2yrs old!

  122. Awesome! I love Knitter's Pride, I have three different sets now and they are my go-to needles. I may have to ask for the Royale set for Christmas-they are calling my name!

  123. I love Knitter's Pride. I recommend them to all my knitting friends as there is nothing better!

  124. Tradition here in Nova Scotia is a French Acadian dish called "Rappie Pie" on Christmas eve made with grated potatoes, chicken, beef (or meat of choice) broth, onions and baked in the oven!
    With interchangeable needles all you need to buy is the yarn; you have all the tools you need! My ravelry ID is shelleyann2013 (
    Thank you for the chance to win this set!

  125. Love your brand and use them daily. I've started a new tradition this year. I know knit and crochet all of our Christmas ornaments. Out with the store bought and in with the handmade. It adds a personal touch and gives it a uniqueness only handmade can.
    Lydia Lee

  126. Love your brand and use them daily. I've started a new tradition this year. I know knit and crochet all of our Christmas ornaments. Out with the store bought and in with the handmade. It adds a personal touch and gives it a uniqueness only handmade can.
    Lydia Lee

  127. I love Knitter's Pride. By far, my favorite.

  128. I just bought some new Knitter's Pride needles, but one set is never enough!

  129. How fun and exciting- good luck to all! We read the Night before Christmas as a family before bed (my kids are teenagers now!). Rav: dinasmiles2, (

  130. Finishing Christmas knitting seems to have become my yearly tradition! Mostly last minute ornaments. Ravelry Id: alitacasey

  131. Every year my family gets together and puts up luminaries. The kids all get to open up one gift that contains pajamas and a book. It's a special evening. I just bought myself a set of platina cubics,but really want these as well. Rav Id: rhokom

  132. Every year my family gets together and puts up luminaries. The kids all get to open up one gift that contains pajamas and a book. It's a special evening. I just bought myself a set of platina cubics,but really want these as well. Rav Id: rhokom

  133. Love Knitters Pride needles! Would love a set of Marblz!

  134. We all wake up early on Christmas morning and exchange stockings. Breakfast is sticky buns with navel oranges and bottomless coffees.
    I am littlemissentropy on Ravelry

  135. Our family tradition are simply having fun eating a roasted turkey with all the dressing plus a decadent dessert and sharing gifts.
    I love my Knitter's Pride needles and I'm using them at the moment to knit some of those Christmas gifts.
    Ravelry id: Ohlalalaine

  136. Our family tradition are simply having fun eating a roasted turkey with all the dressing plus a decadent dessert and sharing gifts.
    I love my Knitter's Pride needles and I'm using them at the moment to knit some of those Christmas gifts.
    Ravelry id: Ohlalalaine

  137. Hey, I am smalltownknitguy on Ravelry. I love sitting around our (electric) fireplace while listening to Christmas carols on cable music station and knitting during the holiday. Would love any of the the items given away for the holiday!

  138. my email is Thanks for great give a ways the prizes are fantastic....

  139. I really like your yarns, especially Wool of the Andes fingering.

  140. I love Knitter's Pride needles. I have three sets of your needles and use them depending on what project I'm working on. Hooray Knitter's Pride! Please continue the good work. PS, love the new Marblz, but already have 3 sets. Ravelry ID: Dedieknits

  141. What a treat it would be to win this set! One of my holiday traditions is knitting Christmas presents. This year, it's socks and cowls. And, of course, there's all the Christmas baking. RavelryID:ChrisFletcher

  142. I've my Knitter's Pride needles, have the Dreamz and Karbonz, and I'd love the Platinas! I've almost totally given up using any other needles.

  143. My favorite Christmas tradition is Christmas stockings; I love the fact that it is full of lots of little surprises and you can open it right away when you wake up.

  144. Every year we play in the orchestra for the Christmas Cantata presented the first weekend in December. I'm a knitting cellist and can't wait to stuff stockings with hand knit gifts and then start new projects in January with hours of knitting and reading! Hoping for needles this giveaway! RavID Rhinonotes

  145. Medochan on Ravelry! This is my second year learning how to knit, and it's been an awesome journey to learn with you!

  146. I always knit my hairdresser a cowl for her Christmas gift.
    My Ravelry ID is marciaf.

  147. I love holiday traditions! We have lots, but one of my favorites is getting together to watch some of our favorite movies. Christmas in Connecticut is my fave! RAVID - splendorfalls

  148. I don't have any traditions, but I wanted to say that your dreamz dpns are my favorite needles ever.

    I don't use circulars, but my sister does and she'd love these! Thanks for the giveaway. :) emount on Rav

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.

  150. The only tradition that will never change is knitting through until the first day of next year :)
    My Ravelry ID is: GypsyMama986
    Have a lovely Holiday.

  151. These are some great giveaways for your customers, things we actually want and will use! Better than some other large companies alleged gifts. Thanks y'all!

  152. My favorite tradition is making ALL of the cookies. And then eating them.

    Ravelry: Zanahoria12

  153. These are some great giveaways for your customers, things we actually will use! Better than many other companies gifts. Thanks y'all!

  154. Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway. I'm from a multicultural family (we're Brazilians who grew up in America, my brother-in-law is Chinese, my sister-in-law is Persian and I'm married to a New Zealander) so our traditions are all mixed. My favorite would have to be waking up at my parents house on Christmas day with my family gathering around the kitchen for a delicious Christmas breakfast.

  155. Sharing memories with my family. Margay1122ATaolDOTcom

  156. My tradition? Feverishly knitting gifts for friends and family! Back to the sticks n string!
    Cheri AKA NaniBear on Ravelry

  157. We don't have a lot of traditions - we generally go to my in-law's or stay home, but go somewhere for a short trip right after Christmas. Like others - I'm knitting like crazy for Christmas!
    rav id: laineyhf

  158. This comment has been removed by the author.

  159. One of our favorite traditions is partnering with Operation Christmas Child. We love filling shoeboxes with toys, school supplies, personal care items and clothing and sending it off somewhere in the world. It's fun to track your box to see where it ended up. Last year our boxes went to Bombay! It's a wonderful way to share in this season of giving. I love my Knitters Pride needles and would love to win anything from Knitters Pride. My Ravelry ID is ydemark.

  160. I knit as many gifts as I can, Hubby wraps them. We go to the late Xmas Eve service, and open our gifts on Xmas morning. Ravelry: yoganan,

  161. Thank you for so many different opportunities to win something fabulous! One of our holiday traditions is making almond rolls (or Dutch banket). RavID:MamaMadeWaffles

  162. Thanks for the chance to win! We always make Christmas cookies with my grandma. We also take my mother-in-law to a movie of her choice on Christmas Day. Thanks again!
    Subliminalirony on Ravelry

  163. Wow lots of giveaways; I'll take one of each! Thamx for the chance to win.

  164. I love spending time with my kiddos! My email is!

  165. Christmas is spent with Family. Love these giveaways, would absolutely love to win. Suemccord on Ravelry.

  166. I am teaching my daughter and another girl how to knit this afternoon. I am using the pattern I learned in 4th grade, Grandma's slippers! I am modifying it so there is no pearling for the first part of the pattern. It will be awesome to pass this skill on!

  167. My holiday tradition is to make all coffee cup sleeves for everyone. Inevitably, people lose the previous year's sleeve and need a new one. Great for all those cups of hot chocolate and apple cider. My ravelry ID is redwinger2001.

  168. My husband and I have decided that, instead of giving each other more stuff, we're going to do a Christmas Date Night instead! -- MaryEllen on Ravelry

  169. Having moved 1200 miles away since last Christmas, I'm starting new traditions this year. What a wonderful giveaway. My Ravelry ID is knitnknanny

  170. A bunch of us give out Christmas presents to the Homeless in our neighbourhood. ( Handmade socks are always loved. ) ravelry name: cjamesreed

  171. A bunch of us give out Christmas presents to the Homeless in our neighbourhood. ( Handmade socks are always loved. ) ravelry name: cjamesreed

  172. All our neighbours gather on Christmas eve and do a santas runway. Lighting tea light candles in paper bags to line the street so santa can see where to come. The kids are older now but still love it and they do it themselves now while we have nibbles and drinks and catch up and spend time together. Rav name is pinksticks

  173. What an awesome giveaway! Any of the gifts would be great to receive. Ravelry name is shewolf389.

  174. Christmas breakfast must be a Puff Baby: we've done this for years and our kids love it.
    Ravelry: eastbayknitter
    Thank you

  175. I would love to win a set of Marblz! I usually work the holidays as I am a nurse. One of our traditions is that I pick up Chinese take out after my shift on Christmas eve, we eat it on the good china by candlelight.
    Robi5 on Ravelry

  176. I'm dominohs on Ravelry and I love to bake Christmas cookies every year.

  177. Fabulous give away. Would be great to win a special gift.

  178. Thanks for the chance to win! This would be a great set to have! For Christmas every year we watch a collection of Christmas movies. Since getting married and moving out we have a schedule so that all family members are watching the same movies each weekend and when we get together we can watch one together. I watch while getting some knitting or crochet work done! :) Thanks again for the chance to win! (Rav ID: zima21)

  179. This year we'll be going to our daughters for Christmas. We live in Ausralia so we will probably go down to the beach and have a game of cricket on the sand. That's if we're not too full from our yummy Christmas lunch. Our grandson aged nine loves it when his grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and cousins all get together and play: Ravelry ID mudgeegirl

  180. My favorite holiday tradition is making gingerbread cookies. It becomes an all-day affair. debd94 on Ravelry

  181. I love my candles in the window for Christmas.
    sparky136 on Ravelry

  182. Holiday traditions? We eat, drink, play games and dance all together!
    asteride on Ravelry

  183. In 2005 I tried a red cherry shortbread cookie for the first time. On the recipe I wrote 'make them every year' and I have, except for the year my son was abroad as an exchange student. I'm Aclif on Ravelry.

  184. Dana ( DanaRae19 on Ravelry)9 December 2015 at 15:21

    One of our holiday traditions is building all 7 sets of our holiday Lego! It takes a long time, but it's worth it! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

  185. Thank you for this chance to win such wonderful gifts. Lights, lots of lights! Christmas day is spent at mom's with siblings, cousins and grandchildren. lllwallace on Ravelry

    1. Please notify me at Thanks.

  186. This comment has been removed by the author.

  187. Thanks for the chance to win. I always put up my Christmas tree and decorations the weekend after my birthday. My birthday is November 30th.

  188. I love all of what I have of yours, so far... It would be great to win some more to try. Thanks for the opportunity.

  189. Christmas in Hong snow, no tree, no family, but happy for the opportunity to explore new people and places. I'd love any of the knitter's pride products! Rav ID: 999knitwit
