
A Colorful Summer: Fair Isle Inspiration (& Giveaway!)

Ravelry is filled with colorful projects featuring eye-catching motifs and pleasing patterns. The color work technique is commonly referred to as "Fair Isle" or sometimes called "stranded colorwork." Though the results look complex, Fair Isle can actually be mastered by any adventurous knitter! Staci Perry of shows the step-by-step process of mastering Fair Isle techniques in her new tutorial video featuring Knitter's Pride needles and her new free pattern, Color my Cowl:

Once you have mastered the techniques above, it's time to put them to the test! We've collected some of our favorite trending patterns on Ravelry to inspire you to give Fair Isle knitting a try this summer. Click the links below to view more pattern information!
Color My Cowl by Staci Perry
Wildflowers Cap by Mary Jane Mucklestone
Crofthoose Yoke by Ella Gordon
Ambiguous by Michelle Hunter

KARREE by Susanne Reese

This month, we're giving 1 lucky blog reader the chance to win a Nova Cubics Platina Deluxe interchangeable set! To enter, leave a comment on this blog post telling us what Fair Isle project you most recently completed or are looking forward to casting on!

We will randomly select a comment as our lucky winner to announce here on our blog on Friday, June 25. Good luck!


  1. I have done a few Fair Isle sweaters in the past but am really looking forward to knitting the Color My Cowl. So pretty. Thanks to Staci Perry for the free pattern. Thnak you for the giveway.

  2. I've done a couple fair isle hats. Fingers crossed, good luck everyone.

  3. I'm just working on MJ Mucklestone's Maritime Mitts, and next I think I might pull out my abandoned Ivy League vest and finish it up! I also really like the Wildflowers Cap as well.

  4. I have knitted 2 fair isle yoke sweaters and 1 hat. I really enjoyed all of them. Love the giveaway offer!

  5. Have yet to attempt a Fair Isle project. Next?

  6. I've been working on the second sock of Water for the Elephants. I finished the first sock ages ago while watching Downton Abbey and I'm just now getting to the second one.

  7. I just started Sarah Arnold's Corbett Brook Mittens, finishing the cuff last night. Thank you very much for the opportunity.

  8. I actually most recently completed the Ambiguous cowl. I loved it! I'm ShadowAP on Rav.

  9. I'm actually working on 2 fair isle projects, but both are giving me lots of stress. My gauge increases tremendously in the fair isle yokes and my sts are terribly inconsistent. My most recent finished fair isle project was Afmaeli which used thick lopi yarn and was much more forgiving then the sport I'm using now. Savannagal on Rav.

  10. I can't wait to cast on the Color My Cowl project. I have my yarn selected, just need to order!

  11. I can't wait to cast on the Color My Cowl project. I have my yarn selected, just need to order!

  12. I'm totally new on this, have knitted before but not anymore. It would be such an inspiration to win this and I promise to start knit again☺

  13. I am yet to knit fair isle. I'm a relatively new knitter (less than two years), but I would love to get to the point of taking on a fair isle project, probably one featured in Staci's tutorials.

  14. I am going to knit the Color My Cowl, this is so fun process that Staci put together, I already posted my pics on Instagram what an ingenious idea. Thanks for sponsoring!

  15. My last Fairfield project was also my first. It was Gretchen's Easy Tam. I have a sweater with a fair isle yoke picked out to do eventually!

  16. My last Fairfield project was also my first. It was Gretchen's Easy Tam. I have a sweater with a fair isle yoke picked out to do eventually!

  17. My yarn just arrived and I'm getting ready to start the Color My Cowl project! Thank you for sponsoring this fun project!!

  18. I would love to cast on the crafthoos sweater

  19. I made a hat with matching mittens for a little girl I know. My own two color design.

  20. I just finished the Brilliant Twilight hat a couple of days ago--I've been meaning to do that one for YEARS. I've just started the matching gloves/mittens to go with it.

  21. Most of my Fair Isle work has been on hats, but I have a couple sweaters in mind - just waiting for the perfect needles - hint hint - please!?!. Thanks for the giveaway from KittenWhiplash on Ravelry.

  22. My first Fair Isle project was a pair of children's socks I test knitted for a friend, gauge was awful, could not get it right. My last one was a scarf for my granddaughter, a much better outcome than the first. It just takes practice.

  23. Just this morning I was thinking about making a yoked pullover for my baby due in November. It was a favorite pattern of my mom's and I've made them for my boys. Now I'm having a girl and it would be fun to pick very different colors!

  24. I've done one fair isle project and my gauge was not good. Definitely need and want more practice!
    Lisist on rav

  25. I haven't done any fair isle since a baable hat last Christmas. Might be time to do some more colorwork...

  26. I have six copies of Staci's color your cowl coloring page in front of me. I am astounded by the difference just one color or one gradient makes! I am going to do her cowl, but not when it is 105 degrees in GA! I will be doing it immediately when the temps come down a bit. In the summer, I generally knit lace and small things like washclothes and socks! Thank you for the great giveaways and for Staci's wealth of knowledge!

  27. I've yet to tackle a project with Fair Isle colorwork yet. Though I did recently make up some colorwork for a knit doll hat that was actually Fair Ilse inspired, now that I think about it.

  28. Love how the Color you Cowl project looks! My last fair isle project was the Erika Cardigan.

  29. Hi. I am currently working on an Alice Starmore sweater. I love fair isle knitting. I would knit the ambiguous cowl next.

  30. Hi! Never tried a Fair Isle project but I looove the Color you Cowl and it looks like a doable one for a beginner!

  31. I'm thinking of casting on The Romance of Fair Isle, Fingerless Gloves by Mary Triplett. My last fair isle project was Pine Bough Cowl by Dianna Walla

  32. I've never tried fair isle, but I'd love to start with a pair of socks!

  33. Fair Isle socks are on my to-do list, but haven't picked a pattern yet.

  34. I knit the waterfront socks in handspun. The pattern was no longer available so I made my own chart off of the pictures.

  35. I knit a From Norway with Love hat not long ago, and am really looking forward to the Color My Cowl project soon.
    sushiwan on rav

  36. I am just learning Fair Isle and I have done a lot of frogging, but hope to get better with each passing day. Thanks for the chance.
    sherryglover1 on Ravelry

  37. So loving the Color My Cowl Project! Getting ready to cast on!

    Rocunningham on Ravelry

  38. Looking forward to trying Color My Cowl.

    girliefriend on rav

  39. I would love to finally knit the my favorite things cowl. The last fair isle I completed was a hat and mittens set in alpaca yarn. Lovely!

  40. I knitted the Ambiguous Cowl by Michele Hunter. I would love to win this set of needles.
    knittingdancer on Raverly

  41. RosyRaveler on Ravelry14 June 2016 at 21:55

    I have not yet tried my hand at Fair Isle, but the Color my Cowl and the KARREE socks are tied for what to try �� RosyRaveler on Ravelry

  42. I'm very slowly working on a classic Starmore vest; Roscalie!

    tktl on Ravelry

  43. Yay!! I'll be taking my first class on Fair Ilse on the 25th at my LYS!!! The pattern is The Baa-ble Hat!

  44. I have never knitted anything fair isle, though I really want to try...just haven't gotten the courage to yet. I am thinking of trying my hand at a hat for this winter. It would be a smaller project and seems like a good way to get my fair isle feet wet!

  45. I have not yet knitted anything in Fair Isle, but I'd like to knit the 'Color my Cowl' pattern. So clever!
    rav id: laineyhf

  46. I want to make sipalu bag by Kerin Dimler-Laurence

  47. Roadysgirl on Ravelry15 June 2016 at 17:37

    I'm currently making a hat for my first Grandbaby who is due Sept. 30th. Her Daddy works with helicopters in the Army so the hat is called "Penelope's Pink Helicopters for Daddy". A Sandra Jaeger chart and hot pink helicopters!

  48. My first colorwork attempt was a Christmas tree detail at the bottom of a doll's skirt. It turned out pretty well, but getting the float tension right took some work.

    Rav ID: Stitchedbysara

  49. I just cast on the Bohus Cardigan by Pat Olski from VK Win 15/16, in some wonderful British BLF yarns

    Rav ID: Nytate

  50. I've got a pair of strawberry basket mitts on the needles right now that use fair isle techniques to a lovely effect. I'm also keen to start a fair isle skirt pattern, but I need to gather the yarn for it.

    ktsmurf on Ravelry!

  51. The color me cowl is one of the greatest ideas on the internet. I started knitting less than a year ago and I'm completely enraptured with it all ... I'm going to design a Color Me Cowl for everyone on my Christmas list, and hopefully get them knit up in time for this year ;-)

  52. My most recent was the Nordic Fair Isle Slouch hat by Tanis Gray. I'm not sure which project is next, but I do love the Color My Cowl.

  53. The color me cowl is one of the greatest ideas on the internet. I started knitting less than a year ago and I'm completely enraptured with it all ... I'm going to design a Color Me Cowl for everyone on my Christmas list, and hopefully get them knit up in time for this year ;-)

  54. I am looking forward to getting my Ravelry bag on the needles - I plan to do the stripes and knit in my rav name.

  55. I'm currently knitting the color my cowl. It's the first fair isle project that I knit and I absolutely love it! Mentally designing many others as I go forward =)

  56. I have not completed a Fair Isle Project yet--have done all other kinds of color work but Fair Isle has not made it to my needles just yet. Maybe if I had this needle set I would be inspired to try one! Would love to do one of those pretty Fair Isle yoke pullover sweaters...

  57. I've never done Fair Isle but I would love to make a fair isle sweater.

  58. I'm looking forward to casting on the KARREE socks. They look fantastic!

  59. It's been awhile since I've knit fair isle. I think it's about time to knit another and the color my cowl looks fun! rav PamonMars

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. I knit the Stopover sweater by Mary Jane Mucklestone this winter . I've been wanting to do one of her hats for ages - and I love Trig by Mary Lou Egan ( on Ravelry) . There are so many good fair isle projects in my queue I'm not sure which I should do first. ( I am SheShootsSheep on Rav)

  62. I am going to try my first pair of fair isle socks. Slow and steady!

  63. I knit a Fair Isle Christmas Stocking last Christmas for my little girl to match the one u made for her brother. I just have to pick out the colours and I will cast on a third one for their little brother... And then maybe one for Mom and Dad? ;D

  64. I learnt to knit at 8 years of age. Progressed from straight needles to circular needles. I have 4 kids and struggle to afford my knitting needs at times, having a set of interchangeable needles would be a dream. I managed to start the color my cowl a few days ago to treat myself. excited for this giveaway! Thank you :-)

  65. I am gong to make those socks!

  66. I have had the 'My Favorite Things' cowl by Jill McGee in my favorites for a while. It looks so fun!

    Ravelry ID: caughtbythebees

  67. Needles of Zen16 June 2016 at 08:06

    I have done a couple of hats in Fair Isle, and can't wait to cast on The Wildflowers Cap!

  68. At some point in the future I'd love to cast on a traditional fairisle sweater for myself.

  69. Someday I'm going to make a Venezia pullover!

  70. I'm excited to start the Hela sweater and I'm sure these needles would work great.

  71. I recently finished the Wolf in the Wild tam. Looking forward to the advent Mittens KAL too

    Rav name Dona-C

  72. I've never done fair isle but it's on the list this fall. I'd live to knit one of those traditional fair isle sweater

  73. I've never knit fair isle, but I really want to!

  74. I have never tried Fair Isle before but I would love to try it!!

  75. I just cast on the Bountiful Bohus cardigan, which has a BIT of fair isle at the yoke.

  76. I just purchased and gathered together yarn to make the Om Shawl. I thought I'd start off simple for my first color work project.

  77. I haven't done any Fair Isle before but I have done some double knitting, mostly of my own design. I love playing with colours and designs.
    Rav ID: Kimert

  78. It's not really Fair Isle but I'm looking forward casting on the Baa-blee Hat by Donna Smith! :)
    RavID: ladymerewen

  79. I'd love to knit any of these patterns as I'm a newbie. I only own 2 pair of straight needles. Sad I know, but I'm learning.

  80. I have not done any fair isle projects, but I have the coloring part of the color my cowl done!

  81. I'm going to cast on my first fair Isle project this summer and try colorwork socks.

  82. I need to try a fair isle project. I'm a beginner quilter!

  83. Would love to knit a fair isle beret!

  84. Looking forward to casting on a blanket in the Autumn using all the shades of a Cottage Garden. just need to clear my needles first:)
    Rosebob on Ravelry

  85. I plan to make some dressier fair isle mittens this summer (or fall). Right now my plan is to make the Snowfling Mittens from Tanis Fiber Arts

  86. I do a fair amount of fair isle knitting. I love the pattern on this site, Ambiguous - might have to cast on. I'd love to have new needles - those are beautiful.

  87. I made a fair isle Christmas stocking for my mom. I have a ton of fair hat patterns in my ravelry queue.

  88. I have honestly never tried a Fair Isle pattern. I have always been too intimidated by the technique. Hopefully one day I will find that dream pattern that makes me conquer my feelings! ��
    Ravelry ID: RisingPhoenix23

  89. Completed? Jeez, it's been a while but I think my plum frost cardigan... though as I write this I'm working on a Cockatoo Brae by Kate Davies... knit on size 2s...

  90. I bought the pattern for Crazed Scandinavian Cowl but it's still above my skill level. I need to do a few more simpler fair isle projects to build my confidence and practice my tension.

  91. I have knit the Stasis Pullover and a couple of Baa-ble hats. Thanks for the giveaway!

  92. I'm hoping to cast on a fair isle Doctor Who themed cardi shortly.

  93. I've never done any fair isle but that Ambiguous by Michelle Hunter looks really interesting.
    shirleyssalad at gmail dot com

  94. My last fair isle project was a blanket I designed myself with a Persian look in black, coral, pale blue and avocado. Just thinking about it makes me want to start another fair isle project!

  95. The most recent fair aisle project I completed was the Star Wars double knit scarf. But soon I would like to knit something fair aisle using light aqua and bright red. (ForMomCrochet on IG)

  96. I made the Baa-ble hat and LOVED IT! It really helped with my tension in colorwork!

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. I am a fairly new knitter so I haven't tried fair aisle knitting. I would love to try making a fair aisle hat! I love to make things for charity and Santas Little Helpers!

  99. I have the yarn and pattern ready to make the Coral Coast Cowl. Just trying to finish a scarf for my boyfriend first.

  100. I made a couple of hats, but my daughter won't wear them. Cant mess the hair, next going to try a snood.

  101. I owe my dad a hat. It was supposed to be a Christmas present, but I broke my hand. :) As long as he gets it before cold weather sets in again, I'm good!

  102. I don't know that I've ever knit a proper Fair Isle project - I should get on that! I've knit stranded socks, though (Rhombus).

  103. About an hour ago I finished a knitting project for a Dr. who knit along. I did a fair isle hat called "Exterminate" by Kathleen Taylor. Would love to win the needle set for my future fair isle endeavors!

  104. It's been a while since I knitted fair isle, but I have Wildflowers Cap by Mary Jane Mucklestone, in my queue to knit for my daughter, so that should get me can in the swing things. :) Thanks for the fabulous giveaway! Love these cubics needles!!

  105. I really want to make a icelandic sweater for my nephew. Good luck to all!

  106. I've never done a full colour work garment but I think I might try to make some Snowflake mittens.

  107. Would loove to cast on a Color My Cowl!!! Would be perfect for winter! I have to had that on my to do knitting list! :)

  108. I have never tackled fair aisle; however, I think I would start with a lovely hat or mitts first. Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  109. Don't remember what I did last. Next: fantasy- Wendy Johnson Stained Glass Cowl. More likely - a Baable hat. :-)
    Rav: whimZknits

  110. Right now I have a Boredom Buster Bag by Christi Wasson on the needles that I really should finish.

    Ravelry: jordyndayne9698

  111. For a chance to win these beautiful needles I will shamefully admit that my last Fair Isle was done in 1998 - The Three Tams published by, which some may note are not proper fair isle at all but rely on the yarn!! Anyhow, I am excited by Staci's Color my Cowl pattern and thrilled by the idea I could use some sock mini's up -- thank you!

    Ravelry: jani22

  112. Prior to the 2015 Christmas season, I completed a sweater for my sister with a pattern of pine trees, snowflakes and some traditional Norwegian designs. Thanks for the chance to win these needles!

  113. I haven't tried Fair Isle yet but I did see Staci's new video (I never miss them) and love the idea of the coloring page to get your design. I will be trying the cowl pattern soon. Thanks for the chance to win the needle set looks amazing. I need to upgrade to an interchangeable set that is more substantial, I have plastic now.

  114. I am looking forward to making Water for Elephants socks - I have never made Fair Isle socks before so it should be interesting. Thanks for the chance to win these needles!

  115. I haven't done any fair isle projects yet, but I have the yarn set aside for a pair of fingerless mitts, as soon as I pick out a pattern! I'm thinking maybe a rainbow sugar skull?

  116. I love the VeryPink knits videos with Staci. Being a new knitter her videos give me inspiration and hope that I can take on the color my cowl fair isle project! Thanks for the chance to win these needles....even though I know my 16 year old will confiscate them.

  117. I have never knit fair isle before, but I am so excited that verypinks has a new fair isle tutorial that I am definitely gonna cast on this summer! Summer of Fair Isle here I come!

  118. I made a pair of kilim socks. But my favorite was the penguin hat I for my grandson.

  119. I made a pair of kilim socks. But my favorite was the penguin hat I for my grandson.

  120. My most recent two Fair Isle projects are the Dither socks and The Force Awakens hat (for which I used my Nova Platina Cubics interchangeable set).

  121. I would love to make Crofthoose Yoke by Ella Gordon or KARREE by Susanne Reese.

  122. Though i haven't completed a fair isle project, those socks are definitely on my "To Knit" list!!

  123. I would love to make the Color me Cowl. The one of the latest fair isle I have made was a fairisle Gryyfindor bag for my granddaughter.

  124. I really want to knit Fireweeds by Rose Hiver.

  125. I'm still learning to knit with both hands and I'm just about there. Just trying to make sure my tension is even. Then I'll be able to blow through any fair isle project. My first one will be a hat. Thanks for the opportunity to win these. Rav: Tea7

  126. Thanks so much for posting this contest, these needles have been on my wish list forever LOL.... The fair isle project that is on my to knit list is the "My Favorite Things Scarf" I love that each block of the scarf represents something I like.

  127. I have done a few fairisle projects. One of my favs was the dolphin mitts in Essential Fibers wools. Came out gorgeous.
    I'd love to make the Wildflowers hat next.

    NanaMamah on Rav

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. Fair isle has always looked cool, and I've always wanted to try it. I just kind of haven't yet...
    MusicalFedoras on Ravelry

  130. I have done some fair isle mitts, boot cuffs and cowls.
    Love the set! Fingers crossed!!

    Penny-knitbybitdesigns on Ravelry

  131. I've done lots of fair isle knitting over the years and would adore winning the needle set.

  132. I haven't done any stranded colourwork in awhile, however, since I seem to be on a hat kick, I am planning on making the Clayoquot Toque from TinCanKnits. Thanks for the generous giveaway!

    Ravid: ycnoble

  133. I have not done much fair isle knitting so want to work more projects to get really comfortable with it. I am planning to cast on the Baa-ble Hat. The sheep on it are so cute.

  134. I finished a fair isle hat near the end of January, and it was very nice during the winter! I'm not sure if I will make another fair isle project soon, since I have a few other projects planned and none of them colorwork.

  135. I've never done Fair Isle. I would love to do a Norwegian Star hat on Ravelry though, then use the motif to make a matching scarf. Both will be for my daughter! Too bad I don't have any circulars :(

  136. I am always late to the party but I would like to try the Baable hat that everyone was making last year. I would also like to make another pair of Poetry Mittens.

  137. I'd love to win the needle set. I'm new to fair isle but would love to try.

    I'm Rachel-o on ravelry

  138. Great giveaway! I'm thinking about designing some discworld mittens with different motifs for each mitt.

    Rebekka on ravelry

  139. I would love to try some Christmas stockings and shirts! I would love a needle set, could really use one right now!! <3

    mlovest7 on Ravelry

  140. I knit the Yvette cardigan, which has a small amount of fair isle/argyle. Thanks for the giveaway! beckyu on Rav

  141. My favorite items for knitting fair isle are the socks I knit!

  142. Knitting Fair-Isle socks .

  143. Mollylove on Ravelry21 June 2016 at 02:21

    Color My Cowl looks like a perfect place to start with Fair Isle. Love to win the Knitter's Pride needles for the project.

  144. This set is awesome! My daughter chose a fair isle scarf for me to make. Would love to make it using this set. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!!!!

  145. I'do love to knit the KARREE socks by Susanne Reese. I'd also love to win these needles! Thanks

  146. I'm new to fair isle and I'm just about to start the Color my Cowl by Staci Perry on YouTube via her free pattern. These needles would be such a help!

  147. This summer I learned to do invisible stranding to manage longer floats during Sock Madness with my Rebus Socks, and am looking forward to next tackling 7 Treasures.
    Rav ID hautecontre

  148. I'do love to knit the KARREE socks by Susanne Reese. I'd also love to win these needles! Thanks

  149. It looks like I'll be making a Color Me Cowl at the request *cough* desperate begging *cough* of my daughter. She loves to wear the scarves and hats I knit and apparently her "Frozen" hat and scarf do not fit her any more. *Sighs* Teenagers.

  150. My most recent colorwork project is Fancy Hen using some yummy Dovestone. Very whimsical. Thanks for the chance to win the needle set. Such fun!

  151. No fair isle project yet...But I'd like much to learn this tecnique. Great giveaway! Finger crossed

  152. I have never tied Fair Isle...but love the look of those Karree socks....good luck everyone!

  153. I haven't tried fair isle yet. However i'm eager to watch the video and try my hand at it

  154. I haven't done any fair isle. I am looking forward to learning

  155. I've never done fair isle! I really want to try the Wildflowers Cap by Mary Jane Mucklestone

  156. Esther Hadassa21 June 2016 at 02:44

    Somehow when I go for Fair Isle knitting I end up done double faced knitting. Last project was a baby blanket with the tree of Gondor. Before that a red and white Scandinavian scarf.


  157. My most recent was a Christmas stocking for my new granddaughter!

  158. I have a project called On the Spice Market that I have been working on...

  159. I have never done fair isle, so I think it would be something small like a hat or the cowl above. If I graduate to something more difficult, then I think perhaps some Christmas stockings may be in order!

  160. I made a dog sweater for my sister's dog and matching mittens for whoever walks the dog - started when it was still snowing in Germany and just sent them off 2 weeks ago. Would love to have the beautiful needle set for future projects!

  161. I love the look of the Ambiguous Cowl!

  162. I am currently knitting Shersocks which are two color fair isle and they are looking great! These are only my second fair isle project and I'm still knitting a bit tight on the floats but improving!

  163. I'm a fairly new knitter but I might try some Christmas coasters in color work that I have a pattern for. Hefb1 on Rav

  164. I have never been brave enough to try fair isle. I will start with a simple cowl or hat. I do feel the urge to do it. I just have to START.

  165. I have made a hat with fair isle. I plan on doing a cowl for my next project

  166. Thank you for this opportunity! I am working on the Ellen Cardigan from Berocco and can't wait to CO the Colorwork Cowl (very pink knits) and Ambiguous by Michelle Hunter. Here's hoping for this great set of needles! Mariaeb on Ravelry

  167. Recently worked on Fair Isle mittens. 1 down and 1 to go. The Color Me Cowl has caught my eye!

  168. I haven't tried Fair Isle yet, but plan to try it this Summer. Probably a hat to get the hang of it. Eventually, I want to knit Christmas stockings.

  169. Love the first cowl - Color my Cowl and the socks. Will try one of those in the near future and it will be my first fair isle project. Have always loved them but am intimidated by them.

  170. This comment has been removed by the author.

  171. I know love to knit with these needles.

  172. I have a pair of simple colorwork mitts in my work bag. Once I've finished a couple sets I'll cast on a crazy cat lady sweater.

  173. I have a pair of simple colorwork mitts in my work bag. Once I've finished a couple sets I'll cast on a crazy cat lady sweater.

  174. I love the Color My Cowl. I haven't tried Fair Isle knitting yet, so think this might be the perfect place to start! Love that there is a tutorial to go with it, too!

  175. I've had Ambiguous in my queue for a while now, this is inspiration to cast on so I will be ready to wear it come winter.

  176. I've done a couple of your featured projects in the past. I am probably going to do the colorful cowl, I really like it. However I need to finish Christmas Stockings before I start anything else. 13 and a half of 17 done. I should've started them when the grandkids were first born instead of waiting until there were 17 of them. Lol.

  177. I absolutely love the Ambigious cowl-I would live to make one for myself!

  178. Giraffes at Sunset mittens, if I'm ever brave enough to try them! Happy World Giraffe Day!

  179. The last ones I made were self-designed set of coasters, but before that I knitted Tam C, from Three Tams by Angela Sixian Wu.
    atreidesb on Ravelry

  180. I would love to knit with these needles.The last fair isle item was a hat for my son. It has 10 colours. Ended up knitting two because of gauge issues.

  181. I guess it is time to do my first Fair Isle- I love Staci's tutorials so I guess the Cowl will be the best place to start. Would love those new needles!

  182. I have been wanting to try the cubics for awhile. I enjoy doing fairisle especially in the round so I can use the 2 handed technique.

  183. I have not yet tried Fair Isle knitting, though I have done multi-stranded crochet. i hope to try multi-stranded knitting this coming Winter.

  184. I'd really like to knit the Baable hat. I'm not sure if that is Fair Isle or not. I'm fairly new to colorwork.

  185. time is now. I love the Carrie socks, and since I knit a pair a month for Christmas gifts, these will be my next attempt. I will cast on for my July pair.
    Thank you for this opportunity to win these Platina needles. I have one pair and I LOVE them
    Anne macDonald

  186. Just completed the Rumbus Cowl in FairIsle. This is a newer pattern on Ravelry and patterns are also available for matching arm warmers and leg warmers.

  187. I most recently completed Southernmost mittens. Most of my knitting is stranded colorwork. I just love it. Also, my favorite needles are dreamz dpns.

  188. I have knit a Fair Isle yoke sweater and have the Orkney Fair Isle Tam by Elizabeth Lovick in the queue. A new set of fabulous Knitter's Pride needles would certainly inspire!

  189. My very first project, beyond dishcloths was a fair isle hat. After I finish the sweater I'm working on now I plan to knit a fair isle sweater. It is one of the reasons I got into knitting. I think they are so beautiful.

  190. There has been a cardigan fair isle cardigan in my queue for quite some time...Iðunn by Ragga Eiríksdóttir, published in Knitty Winter 2012. One of these days I'll get to it!

  191. I tried Fair Isle for the first time this year and knitted a pair of fingerless mittens. It was so rewarding seeing the pattern emerge after each row.

  192. I knitted a hat with a Norwegian snowflake stranded colorwork pattern. Loved knitting it!

    Knitwitnumber9 on Ravelry

  193. I'm knitting "That Last Fish is Mine!!!"— a really cute sock pattern by Sarah Staiti-West. I'm also starting a Christmas stocking for my 4th grandchild.
    SCole on Ravelry

  194. I've never tried fair isle yet, although "very pink's" cowl looks amazing and perhaps doable!

  195. I want to do a colorwork yoke tunic dress for my youngest child, a cowl for myself and one for my middle child, hats to use bits of stash, a pair of spilly jane mittens (well overdue) for a patient friend . . . And a baable hat . . . Oh my. Rmccoyer on ravelry

  196. I've wanted to try Fair Isle for some time. The Color My Cowl looks like the perfect project to start with!I'm so excited to knit my own design into the cowl!

  197. looking forward to casting on the cowl. I would love a set of these needles

    bbfanmrs on ravelry

  198. I haven't tried fair-isle yet so I thought I would try something with just 2 colours first. I love the Wildflowers cap or I might try some Newfoundland mittens which are very much like fair-isle.
